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Have to thank Ms Turbee recommendations of the restaurants for yuba and 精進料理(strictly vegetarian for monks),always want to have a whole meal made from different soy products,before I go to Japan and visit those places,here is my little experiment.
To: rikk Oh my !! what have you done it looks great and I am just speechless !! thank you very much I'm looking forward for you to came to Japan and to hear about 精進料理
And if you like some of the restaurant recommendation I will be very happy to give to you do ask any time ! you are welcome Thanks
To: rikk what a special dishes! Tofu ryori is Japanese traditional dish. I like tofu very much.
To: Turbee thank you so much,really great help with all the recommendations.I was pressed for time doing this one,but I enjoyed it very much and hopefully I'll do another one soon with same theme!
To: dodyu me too,love tofu so much,a whole made from soy products is a real treat for me,can't wait to go to Japan and try those restaurants out!Thank you for the compliments!
To: rikk I eat tofu every day. Cold tofu with soy sauce, boiled tofu, maa-boo tofu, etc. I love all of them.
must be a nice matching!
I'll try it ♪
To: dodyu I am so jealous,tofu is so much better in Japan!
To: romie yes,match really well,I didn't have much time to shop,otherwise,adding ほうれん草,小松菜,しめじ,ゆず,would be nice too I think...
To: noborionapple thank you,try my best to eat healthy,and these are tasty too!
To: rikk 我很喜歡豆腐,改天一定試試😉
To: rikk It's really cold today. I'm going to make boiled tofu tonight.
Great varieties of Tofu! 👍👍
To: noborionapple 冲繩的島豆腐也很出名啊,期待著照片!是冲繩住的台灣人嗎?
To: rikk 沖繩的豆腐很有名也很好吃,可是卻沒有豆腐皮和豆干。我是住沖縄的台灣人😉
To: MangoPudding thanks,hopefully I'll do another one with more courses,it's really fun!
To: noborionapple 你好!真羨慕,雖然未曾到過冲繩,但聼說實在是好地方,美食,風景,生活方式也是我嚮往的,有機會的話會親身體會一下!
湯葉と里芋の味噌煮 looks amazing!!!
To: Tayuko thank you,this is a vegetarian dish and I didn't have much time,only a few ingredients were used,made the dashi with just konbu and dried shiitake,it was quite good considering this.Merry Christmas to Yuko San and family!
To: Tayuko thank you for resnapping too!
Oh!! rikkさん, so so so beautiful 精進料理!!
I wanna go to there! 😁
To: makooo thank you,this is just the first time,have to find out more about it before I do a proper one next time!
もぐもぐ! (108)
リスナップ (2)