Have to thank Ms Turbee recommendations of the restaurants for yuba and 精進料理(strictly vegetarian for monks),always want to have a whole meal made from different soy products,before I go to Japan and visit those places,here is my little experiment. ピータン豆腐のねぎソース 高菜と豆腐干炒め 湯葉と里芋の味噌煮
To: rikk Oh my !! what have you done it looks great and I am just speechless !! thank you very much I'm looking forward for you to came to Japan and to hear about 精進料理 And if you like some of the restaurant recommendation I will be very happy to give to you do ask any time ! you are welcome Thanks
To: Turbee thank you so much,really great help with all the recommendations.I was pressed for time doing this one,but I enjoyed it very much and hopefully I'll do another one soon with same theme!
To: dodyu me too,love tofu so much,a whole made from soy products is a real treat for me,can't wait to go to Japan and try those restaurants out!Thank you for the compliments!
To: Tayuko thank you,this is a vegetarian dish and I didn't have much time,only a few ingredients were used,made the dashi with just konbu and dried shiitake,it was quite good considering this.Merry Christmas to Yuko San and family!
And if you like some of the restaurant recommendation I will be very happy to give to you do ask any time ! you are welcome Thanks
must be a nice matching!
I'll try it ♪
I wanna go to there! 😁