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  • 345もぐもぐ!
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  • 2013/09/08
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Porchetta sandwich with ciabatta/ポルケッタのチャバタサンドイッチ

みんなの投稿 (18)
The sequel of my porchetta last week.
What do I do with my leftover roast pork?I made a sandwich with it.Also has grain mustard,mayo,arugula (粒マスタード、マヨネーズ、ルッコラ)
Luxury sandwich !
rick chan から のっちゃん
Thank you のっちゃん,and resnap too!I made this with leftover roast pork,but surprising this was just as good as the previous dinner ,and I'll make sure I'll save some roast meat for sandwiches next time!
Looks yummy:)
I'm looking forward to seeing the new one!
Let me imagine about roast meat sandwiches...Mmm...must be great!
Oh no! I love this sooooo much! 😍 Perfect styling! Really like such a type of photo!
Can I print out this photo? I would live to stick it up in my kitchen!
your roast porks transformed into lovely sandwiches!! That doesn't look that leftovers✨looks so gorgeous n yummy😋💕
And This atmosphere is different than your usual.Usually,your photo have adult-like and composed air.so I love that!But I love this sense as well!! It's so pop taste🎶🎶like
like a picnic lunch,makes me happy!
Okay,I got sleepy😴
See ya tomorrow🎶
rick chan から ともきーた (伊藤 智子)
Thank you for the compliment,and resnap too!May be because I love bread so much,I always love all types of sandwiches,especially if I could get good bread,even leftover roast meat would taste great!Yes,from now on,I'll make it my mission to save some roast meat and make a sandwich the next day!
rick chan から mikachi
Oh anytime,be my guest,I am super honoured!This was shot on the next day after I had the roast,light was great next to the window,I rarely make lunch at home,and it was so enjoyable for me to have this!Thank you for resnap too!
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you for your compliment, especially happy coming from the great ad creator!Yes,different atmosphere! I rarely have time to make lunch at home,so I was trying to make this look causal ,like a picnic,light is different at my place during daytime too.I had a relaxing time but too bad not long eno
rick chan から ゆかり
enough.The sandwich itself was really good,you know how I like good bread.Like I said,I will save some leftover roast meat everytime from now on,and think of a sandwich next day,it'll be fun and challenging!
Thank you for all the resnaps,and leaving me comments,I know you are super popular these da
rick chan から ゆかり
days and answering everybody last night,please don't overwork though!
rick chan から 〜かもねぎポン酢食堂〜TOMOE
Thank you,what a nice thing to say!Thanks for resnap too!
The mouth-watering than a cafe!(*'▽'*)
rick chan から hana
Thank you,and you are sweeter than sugar!Makes me very happy hearing all the nice things!
rick chan から sato*
Thank you so much,and resnap too,I am so glad you like my cooking,always great support from you!
もぐもぐ! (345)
リスナップ (28)