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  • 95もぐもぐ!
  • 3リスナップ
  • 2013/01/17
  • 1,064

Stir-fried お餅 with キムチ and top with チーズ,inspired by Marikoszk San

みんなの投稿 (18)
Sorry with the mixed up of the title,a few cuisines from different countries are involved with this,I really don't know how to translate this.The rice cake(お餅) I used is from shanghai, cheese is from Europe,and because I'm having vegetarian tonight,I substitute Marikoszk San's mentaiko with kimchi
from Korea.Also with boiled egg dried shitake, carrot, sesame,negi and nori.
Yes, "kimcheese" I think ;)
It's so wonderful dish that is full of your originality! ;D
To: makooo haha really good ,'Kimcheese'!I love it!
Thank you,not all my idea though, other people help too!-
To: rikk I think, cheese and kimchi are fermented foods. So they go well together.
キムチ&お餅♪♪ I love both♡
I never try put together.but,Surely it must be best matching!! Great idea you are✨✨also marikozksan works with 明太子 great! I'll try make both dishes😃😃soon!!
and please try with mentaiko!
it's sooo tasty!
To: dodyu yes,surprisingly well,I have seen people put kimchi in pizza too,that must be good.I love korean food,well as long as not too spicy.....
To: yukaringg thank you for resnapping!!Everything matches really well,great idea from Marikoszk San and Komamie San.I would love to see how you work with these delicious ingredients,I am excited!
To: marikoszk thank you for the resnap!I have just followed Komamie San,and your are so right,everything is beautiful!I love mentaiko too,have to try!!
To: marikoszk
To: komamie
To: rikk hi friends. Do you know natto fermented soybeans? Natto goes well with kimchi. Why don't you try it.
To: dodyu haha,I tried,only two things not working for me,durian and natto,maybe later,you never know.Thanks for recommending though!
To: rikk all right. They have a smell all its own.
To: marikoszk thank you so much,that's very nice thing to say ,I'm honoured!!
上海的rice cake是年糕嗎?
To: MangoPudding 是年糕,很多地方也有類似的東西,我這次用的是上海來的,配泡菜及起司,效果不錯,謝謝他們提供靈感!👆
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