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  • 2013/02/11
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My 300th post-Pizza with pepper and Italian sausage,Yukaringg San's method!

みんなの投稿 (10)
I love making pizzas and I usually bake them on a pizza stone in an oven,I get nice crust okay but I could never get the dark spots on top,with Yukaringg San recommendation,all I need is a frying pan and a burner and I could have a closer looking to the ones they serve at pizzerias,they could never
taste the same,but not bad considering homemade.The first one came out too dry,👆the second one was much better,still need more practice though....
Wow! Congrats!! For your 300th posts🎊🎊🎆🎆
And you made pizza with burner.
gorgeous!👏 I thought,little bit dry crust mines too.i keep find out more good method about pizza😊
aw…I want to bile pizza kiln at my garden😢 haha♪
To: rikk 這種單純的pizza我很喜歡,恭喜你突破300道菜,每様都很精緻可口,希望能多和你學習,謝謝你的食譜!😄
To: yukaringg yes,have to thank everybody's support,especially yours!This is very good already,but if you find any better way,please let me know!And I hope you get one of that kiln soon,I would love one too,but not too easy in HK I'm afraid...anyway,thank you for the recommendation,and resnap too!
👏👏👏 Congrats!!!
To: noborionapple 謝謝你,也不用客氣!很喜歡在這裡跟大家交流!我所知的正宗意大利薄餅,是較注重材料本身的質素與做法,其中批皮是最重重一環,而不是配料的多寡。今次還是不太理想,下次會再試!
To: MangoPudding thank you,Mango!

Thank you for following me♪
To: hiro9 you are welcome!Thank you for following too!
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