• お気に入り
  • 209もぐもぐ!
  • 35リスナップ
  • 2017/02/09
  • 3,184


みんなの投稿 (6)
Tofu simmered in a light konbu broth,top with onsen tamago,served with soy sauce.
The first time I had this was at a shrine in Kyoto,with a bunch of friends.It was a happy,good culinary experience,but the dish didn't leave me a strong impression,even I knew beforehand it was
a rather plain dish.It requires a different mind set to be able to enjoy it,I wasn't ready.
Now I was eating this slowly at home by myself,no talking or other things to distract,and suddenly a piece of mediocre tofu became so full of flavour that it amazed me.
The question arises,what's the ideal circumstances to dine?
I have no conclusion.
Mr.プラウ,you lived in Kyoto too,you have lived in so many beautiful places,I envy you!
It's so special having tofu meal at Kyoto,while enjoying beautiful view,most ideal if it's peaceful,less crowded room.You know what I mean!
Not a bad thing eating this quietly at home,I could more focus on the subtle flavours!
Hey! I had the same experience the first time I had this...I wondered what is so special about it, it was just plain tofu..it took a couple of yrs before I learned to appreciate it:)
Have to focus on the tofu itself, its texture and delicate flavor ..have to eat it slowly to detect the sweetness of soy beans that blends well with kombu dashi:)
Oh! want to have some now! the onsen tamago toppings is interesting, I always eat my tofu with some kombu dashi alone...
rick chan から 🌺Sanntina🌺
Hi Sanntina,welcome back!How was your holiday?
You totally understand how I feel about this dish!I mean this is the philosophy behind the dish,or many other things in Kyoto too,has to be quiet and slow to savour the subtler flavours.Not something that could be easily appreciated,I certainly wouldn't be able to eat this everyday,but once for a while this would be very soul saving!
Onsen tamago might not be traditional,but it's really tasty,especially when it's mixed with the broth,please try!
Hi Rick!
My holiday was great! spent a lot of time with my siblings😊Thanks!

The main reason I went to Manila is because my Mom passed away last Jan of last year...went to offer prayers for the first year anniversary (A MUST!) I even cooked my Mom' s favorite dishes😍

Living in Japan made me appreciate food more, I learn the joy of cooking & eating seasonal food specially fruits..at the moment, I eat mikan evrynight while sitting & enjoying the warmth of the kotatsu😅
You cooked a lot of yummy food while Im away! Want to cook some of them when I have time...busy at work these days , been making mostly simple meals lately 😅
rick chan から 🌺Sanntina🌺
Hi Sanntina!
Sad to hear your mother passed away,must have been difficult for you.
Anyway,you did spend precious time with family,how nice,cooking mother's favourite food is best way for remembrance too!
I agree with you.As for me,my love of Japanese food initially was purely for it's culinary enjoyment,but only after more understanding,I realised there is a whole set of philosophies behind it,I could project it to other aspects of life,that's very beneficial for me.
I envy you having seasonal fruits at the most comfortable place,life could be that simple and good!
Thanks for the compliment,I am having a great time in the kitchen!Please continue and make some good food,I am looking forward to see them!
もぐもぐ! (209)
リスナップ (35)