I miss this good looking dish from Yukari's last year's post,but adding 焼きナス this time and still trying to keep this vegetarian,I used the ume jelly again that I used last year. Thanks again my dear friend,summer is much easier with this!
Wow..キラキラ✨✨ Also i found there are many great dishes outside of this that you made!😱💕So sorry my gorgeous friend I was too late,I couldn't check SD lately.. I'll be right here,see u tonight again!
Thank you Makiko San!This is an excellent idea from Yukari,not only it is beautifully glittering,but also delicious!I love the use of jelly in savory dish,specially in summer dishes!Just try to do something different this time,so I add eggplant,also good!
Rick! This is special posts for me, I appreciate your thoughtful mind! I know You don't repeat the same dish very much,so I'm really glad you tried my dish twice! 焼き茄子 is my big fave,I can imagine just how good taste this is😍😋💕 Plus Your jelly shining brilliantly than last year,you evolve day by day
W👀W✨you served withみずあわ plate,sooo witty! I'm happy having matching plate with you🎶 Thank you for using chopstick rest.I reckon it's not your taste with childish design🙈💦actually I hoped to you remember Japan whenever seeing this iconic Mt😋🎶let's go Fuji claiming sometime🗻✨
I have to thank you so very much for introducing this wonderful dish to us hungry people at SD,it is one of your signature dish and will always be remembered!I had been thinking about it all summer long,this time I add eggplant to make it more interesting.I did have a few problems last time,but I ke
kept them in mind,and dealt with it for this,it came out more the way I wanted!Thanks for showing me the bubble plate,but actually I could notice,and I got the smaller sizes instead,but still works brilliantly with this dish! Also really lovely chopstick rests as well,have to admit it's not somethi
something I would buy for myself,but if it's from you,I will for sure use it and cherish it!!Let's climb it next time,hooray!!Thanks for all resnaps,let's talk later!!
I waited one whole year to make this again!It is Yukari's masterpiece,both beautiful looking and delicious.This year I added eggplant too,just a variation.I also used the same bubble glass plate that Yukari used on that dish,I think it goes very well with this dish, and it really cools us down just
Thanks again my dear friend,summer is much easier with this!
Also i found there are many great dishes outside of this that you made!😱💕So sorry my gorgeous friend I was too late,I couldn't check SD lately..
I'll be right here,see u tonight again!
I know You don't repeat the same dish very much,so I'm really glad you tried my dish twice! 焼き茄子 is my big fave,I can imagine just how good taste this is😍😋💕
Plus Your jelly shining brilliantly than last year,you evolve day by day
Thank you for using chopstick rest.I reckon it's not your taste with childish design🙈💦actually I hoped to you remember Japan whenever seeing this iconic Mt😋🎶let's go Fuji claiming sometime🗻✨
Also really lovely chopstick rests as well,have to admit it's not somethi
Ume jelly 是什麼樣的東西?
對,那個是きんぴら!本來我很喜歡用刀做菜的,但自我發現這小器具之後,便一直用這個削牛蒡絲,甘筍絲等等,太方便了,又輕又鋒利,削出來的粗幼剛好。品牌是瑞士的"peel appeal",我在日本買的,已用了數年了。297日之前做的牛蒡三明治,它也一起出鏡了,有興趣的話請看看!至於吃的話,我也跟你一樣,切的或刀削的也可以!
我在 you-tube 上看到了 peel appeal 的視頻了! 沒見過這樣形狀的刮皮器。視頻上的這個商品有幾種可以換的刀片,你的也有種類不同的刀片嗎?
的確這個削皮器的外觀頗有趣! 你挑這個沒有什麼不可思議的 😆