Best looking minimal dish,love the shine and glittering,and nice pairing with marinated tomato and dill jelly.But I have to say what a beautiful glass plate,love the bubbles that comes up on two sides,it just goes so well with this dish!Summer has no problem eating this one,wish you good health too
To: rikk Thank you so much rick san😊 Resnap too! I'm so glad that you like this glass dish! Actually I bought this lately, I was looking for big bubble plate for a long long time! So I finally met this! it was love at first sight 💕 I'll heavy use with summer dishes😁🎶 Thanks!you too😊I hope you can e
To: rikk Hi, rick san! Sure, Okay! 鹿印is my private label,i naming when i made something food preserved.Please refer to my past posts "鹿印ジンジャーシロップ"(72days ago)😊 But this is just play,So i had just kidding talk with makoo san👆😁
To: rikk Btw,I'll send to you more plate information with gladly😉🎶 This plate name is "みずあわ",I got at this shop,I like this shop's all of selection.I guess,those are suit on your taste too! (this shop has english pages,can get international shipment😊👍)
I see,no wonder I can't understanding. You know how I like Japanese ceramic,and even though I am I HK,I always look at Japanese website to check what they have,and this is one of the place I have bookmarked already ,and go very often to look,but I completely missed this,anyway I have been busy posti
To: rikk Wow,You are just like ceramist! well informed!! I'm happy you know this shop already😊 Never mind🎶鹿印 are just my joke posts,It's not worth going out of your way to see it😁💦 I'll go to see your new post on tonight Catch you later!👋👋
Hi there,I am looking at them now,all come in different sizes too,don't know which one to chose,I get crazy over these things!Thank you again,and I have to say you good make this plate look beautiful! Also I like this shop,but they don't ship international…
To: rikk My pleasure! Good for you😊✨ Oh lord!your recommend shop have super good taste! I found many good plate at there!!Thank you for letting me know😆💕 Rick san,If you find good ceramics, Be my guest, please tell me! I'll ordering for you with gladly!
To: rikk My pleasure! good for you😉🎶 Oh lord! I did't know that shop,I found many good plate at your recommend shop!I say to you special thanks!for telling me. Rick san,If you find good ceramics,be my guest, please tell me. I'll ordering for you with pleasure✌
That's wonderful,so happy you like this!There are a few artists I like very much!Thank you so much for the offer,I hate to bother anyone,but ifI need anything I'll let you know,and vice versa!I am so envy that you live in a great place that has everything,but I guess I can't complain too much,HK rea
To: rikk Sure! anytime i waiting your offer😊 yes! HK has attractive point is a lot! loooot!From my point of view, especially foods&hottest art scene😍 In fact, i had plan fly to HK(Art Basel hong kong)on May.But my friend was super busy with work,I couldn't go there....Now,I regret it..😭😭 So I also
Didn't know you like art that much! But may be no need to regret.I didn't go,but a friend went,and said this year's Art Basel wasn't as good as before,just not a lot of exciting pieces.And this is always about art trading more than exhibiting.I don't have much money to buy art,but I am happy enough
To: rikk Oh,see...thanks for information! Yes,I love all kind of art,especially contemporary art the best for me! I am just poor person,so It's quite impossible for me to do buying😭💦but It's precious many artist came from all over the world at i got a little satisfied when i heard your tal
To: rikk Hi🎶Thanks rick san as always recommend nice sound! I thought what music taste good with a result of search my i-pod &CD luck,I chose summery music and my fav song for you💕 Send caption to you👇👇
Hisaishi is japanese piano player and sound creator.ジブリmovie sounds are almost his works. ☝Both are my best out of all the named summer title song. I'll for you his emotional sound ! Please check out on YouTube,his solo piano play😉🎶
Great selection,really reflects your personality,happy soulful songs mainly! Bill Withers,so many well known songs,I bet you like Al Green,Barry White,Marvin Gaye! I don't know much about Joyce Moreno,but I love Latin jazz,I will get this! I used to go to clubs every weekend,love house music so much
that I learned to dj,but that was the vinyl years.I love Ananda project's more chilled style too! Love love India Arie,"Acoustic soul always sits next to my CD player! And Michael,I like him before he got too strange,this is a great mix too! Not familiar with Bobby,but what a great song,so you are i
into soul music sang by white guys,you like Hall and Oates ? Hah,the Emotions,the 70s disco music,sweet memories for me,love that era,so many good songs ! Of course I love Amy,both albums,what a tragic lost,she could do so well,and have everything she wants,well, almost… And Hisaishi,so well known w
with writing score for animation,not surprised you like his music,so soothing and takes you elsewhere,I love music too that let me escape for little while!t's a great choice,I did not know this one well,but I will,thx! So thank you for picking all these so I could try,and I have a better idea now wh
To: rikk Wow! Wow! W😍w! I've never thought you likes house music too!so I couldn't decide to recommend at! miracle happy heard so from you!because I also used to clubbing😋now I hardly go there,but I have much memories about house music! Vinyl is awesome ! maybe,you'll so,too😉🎶
To: rikk W😍w! rick san😆💕 I've never thought you likes house music too!so I couldn't decide to recommend at! miracle happy heard so from you!because I also used to clubbing😋now I hardly go there,but I have much memories about house music! vinyl still awesome! maybe,you'll so,too😉🎶
Oops! Why did you know i like Marvin Gaye! I love his songs! B.White,D.Hall,too!! But, my girl friends are always says to me that "you are strange,it's not Ladylike!!" Why?..but,no matter... There are too many things I want to talk about with you,I can't write down everything for you!!
Thank you for writing,always great to talk to you!I had my time,going out clubbing doing crazy things,that why I like club music,from disco to acid jazz to electronic progressive house!Now I just stay at home most.I love all music too,apart from most hip hop and rap.During the day I hear more uptemp
uptempo rock bands,and jazz ballads at night mainly.You too,you love clubbing,must be fun hanging out with you!I don't think you are weird for liking these music,and sometimes it's hard to define what's boys' and girls' music,for all I know you have great taste!It's easy to track down the rest once
I know what you like,it's all the similar Motown music,and white people singing soul too.I love Hall and Oates ,went to their concert in London back in the 80s. Favourite song is "Sara Smile",I always sing at home… And you know Michael McDonald?
To: rikk That's nice to hear! I also played too much in club😁💦 At times,I still receive invitation from house freaky friends😥(my some friends are playing DJ)...but I'm filling my mind without club life currently. Now i want to spend to do cooking or listening at home.if I feel like it again,I wanna
I wanna go with you than 'em😆💕 Because you are awesome! and I want to hear your sing "Sara Smile"♪ 😋 OMG! Did you go Hall and Oates concert? !!!!Sounds like You lived in London in good era!! Soooo envy you!!!Actually,I met his songs after than you,The first time i knew Hall & Oates when i was nine,
on" We are the world"! After that i started listen blue eyed soul....I want to back to the 80's as i'm now... Sure! I know M.McDonald💕 "On my own" is my best ever✨✨ Well,sorry i had too much talk...😁💦 See ya! Sweet dreams🌟
As long as you are happy,I think it's perfectly fine to stay more at home and doing what you do,just different stage of life doing different things,as for me,just don't feel comfortable in noisy places any more.Thank you for the offer and the compliment though,my "black eyes soul"doesn't sound like
soul,or anything at all... Yes,I knew Hall and Oates before you ,but not as far as "Sarah smile", probably "I can't go for that",but can't be sure now... Anyway I feel like we are good friends now,me and my friends always non stop talking about art, music, movies, food,and old times,and that's wha
what we are doing now,it's been great and thank you,always fascinating to hear your story,sure we will talk again!! By the way,love that song "on my own" too!
To: rikk You are already my important friend! Always You give me good surprise whenever talk with you! Thank you sooo much! And let me say only this,Last night my friends praised you highly! I am sorry to show your pages without permission,but I really wanted to show your great cook to my closer!
That's no good,Yukari San,you showed my photos around......only recently!!??😊I have shown yours around for a long time and no one believes they were made by a Japanese lady,but this is my way to embarrass all the HK girls,because not one of them I know who could cook,and let alone cooking like you d
To: rikk Please, forgive me😋I almost shown.. Em said like that "He is very refined of all,wonderful!" "Unbelievable,professional?" I answered to people "Nope,the real genius exists in HK!" So thanks your kind full word! I'll tell them ,Everyone will surely rejoice! Say thanks to your friends too!
The finally dog days started!
Please stay healthy,Let's have fun through the summer😊
リスナップもありがとうございます😆🎶 夏場はこんな感じの副菜系がすきで作る機会増えちゃいます 笑
Thank you so much rick san😊
Resnap too!
I'm so glad that you like this glass dish! Actually I bought this lately, I was looking for big bubble plate for a long long time!
So I finally met this! it was love at first sight 💕 I'll heavy use with summer dishes😁🎶
Thanks!you too😊I hope you can e
I hope you can enjoy summer with good foods!
味付けは かよさんならもっと美味しくできると思うし、ハーブも他の種類足しても美味しいと思うよ〜。適当に調味料の足し引きしてみて下さいな😊👍
素晴らしい( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
Take second best
But I won't take anything less
It's got to be yeah perfect!"
って(笑)by Fairground Attraction
9割方 器が助けてくれです 笑)
ずっとデッカい気泡入り探しててやっと見つけれて嬉しいから こればっか使ってるよ〜😁💦 でへへ🎶
じ つ は💕最近やっと出会った素敵ガラスどぅえす🎶🎶
適当に盛り付けてもそれっぽく見えるから だいぶ器に助けてもらってまふ😁💦💦
ニャンクス達 ディル食べるんやぁ😆
キンキンは愛川欽也さんじゃないからね〜♪ そこだけ気をつけて😁✌
80年代やねぇ〜💕 わたしあの時代に人格形成されたからキュンとなったわぁ😭🎶
器ね、ほんと鹿印で発売したいなぁ!(あ、鹿印覚えてくれててありがとぅっ!😆) あまりにも欲しい形がないから去年まで本気で自分で作ろと思ってたし 笑)
Hi, rick san!
Sure, Okay! 鹿印is my private label,i naming when i made something food preserved.Please refer to my past posts "鹿印ジンジャーシロップ"(72days ago)😊
But this is just play,So i had just kidding talk with makoo san👆😁
Btw,I'll send to you more plate information with gladly😉🎶
This plate name is "みずあわ",I got at this shop,I like this shop's all of selection.I guess,those are suit on your taste too!
(this shop has english pages,can get international shipment😊👍)
To rick san
You know how I like Japanese ceramic,and even though I am I HK,I always look at Japanese website to check what they have,and this is one of the place I have bookmarked already ,and go very often to look,but I completely missed this,anyway I have been busy posti
Wow,You are just like ceramist!
well informed!! I'm happy you know this shop already😊
Never mind🎶鹿印 are just my joke posts,It's not worth going out of your way to see it😁💦
I'll go to see your new post on tonight Catch you later!👋👋
わたしなんか まりこさんの器全部憧れで欲しいしなぁ〜😋
マジ〜にょ⁉ 錦野旦さん的な存在なんやね😆💕 じゃあもっと精進しやなやわぁ😊
Also I like this shop,but they don't ship international…
わたす 頑張りますっ!
My pleasure! Good for you😊✨
Oh lord!your recommend shop have super good taste! I found many good plate at there!!Thank you for letting me know😆💕
Rick san,If you find good ceramics, Be my guest, please tell me!
I'll ordering for you with gladly!
わたしも使おっかなぁ? 冷製と〜たと〜カッペリーニ💕
My pleasure! good for you😉🎶
Oh lord! I did't know that shop,I found many good plate at your recommend shop!I say to you special thanks!for telling me.
Rick san,If you find good ceramics,be my guest, please tell me.
I'll ordering for you with pleasure✌
Sure! anytime i waiting your offer😊 yes! HK has attractive point is a lot! loooot!From my point of view,
especially foods&hottest art scene😍
In fact, i had plan fly to HK(Art Basel hong kong)on May.But my friend was super busy with work,I couldn't go there....Now,I regret it..😭😭
So I also
But may be no need to regret.I didn't go,but a friend went,and said this year's Art Basel wasn't as good as before,just not a lot of exciting pieces.And this is always about art trading more than exhibiting.I don't have much money to buy art,but I am happy enough
Oh,see...thanks for information!
Yes,I love all kind of art,especially contemporary art the best for me!
I am just poor person,so It's quite impossible for me to do buying😭💦but It's precious many artist came from all over the world at i got a little satisfied when i heard your tal
Hi🎶Thanks rick san as always recommend nice sound!
I thought what music taste good with a result of search my i-pod
&CD luck,I chose summery music
and my fav song for you💕
Send caption to you👇👇
🎶Bill Withers / The best of B.W
(I often listens 70's music,he is
my fav singer✨)
🎶Joyce Moreno/ Rio
(cill out Bossa,other's good too)
🎶India Arie /♪Beautiful flower
(love this song,lyrics too😍)
🎶Editions /
(I love happy disco💕)
(My wake up song for ever😁)
🎶Ananda project/ Re-release
(It's easy listening house music
for summer☀)
🎶Frankie Knuckles /rock with you
(Love all of Frankie's remix,this
is my best ever💕)
🎶Amy Winehouse /-Fran
( many good tracks,I miss her..)
🎶Joe Hisaishi
♪one summer's day♪.summer♪
☝Both are my best out of all the named summer title song.
I'll for you his emotional sound ! Please check out on YouTube,his solo piano play😉🎶
Bill Withers,so many well known songs,I bet you like Al Green,Barry White,Marvin Gaye!
I don't know much about Joyce Moreno,but I love Latin jazz,I will get this!
I used to go to clubs every weekend,love house music so much
Love love India Arie,"Acoustic soul always sits next to my CD player!
And Michael,I like him before he got too strange,this is a great mix too!
Not familiar with Bobby,but what a great song,so you are i
Hah,the Emotions,the 70s disco music,sweet memories for me,love that era,so many good songs !
Of course I love Amy,both albums,what a tragic lost,she could do so well,and have everything she wants,well, almost…
And Hisaishi,so well known w
So thank you for picking all these so I could try,and I have a better idea now wh
Wow! Wow! W😍w!
I've never thought you likes house music too!so I couldn't decide to recommend at! miracle happy heard so from you!because I also used to clubbing😋now I hardly go there,but I have much memories about house music! Vinyl is awesome
! maybe,you'll so,too😉🎶
My comment was gone....
W😍w! rick san😆💕
I've never thought you likes house music too!so I couldn't decide to recommend at! miracle happy heard so from you!because I also used to clubbing😋now I hardly go there,but I have much memories about house music! vinyl still awesome! maybe,you'll so,too😉🎶
But, my girl friends are always says to me that "you are strange,it's not
Ladylike!!" Why?..but,no matter...
There are too many things I want to talk about with you,I can't write down everything for you!!
That aside,I like music of all genres💕(aside from reggae😁💦) Thanks for listening all even though you're busy....
And you know Michael McDonald?
That's nice to hear! I also played too much in club😁💦
At times,I still receive invitation from house freaky friends😥(my some friends are playing DJ)...but I'm filling my mind without club life currently.
Now i want to spend to do cooking or listening at home.if I feel like it again,I wanna
Because you are awesome! and I want to hear your sing "Sara Smile"♪
OMG! Did you go Hall and Oates concert? !!!!Sounds like You lived in London in good era!! Soooo envy you!!!Actually,I met his songs after than you,The first time i knew Hall & Oates when i was nine,
Sure! I know M.McDonald💕
"On my own" is my best ever✨✨
Well,sorry i had too much talk...😁💦
See ya! Sweet dreams🌟
Yes,I knew Hall and Oates before you ,but not as far as "Sarah smile",
probably "I can't go for that",but can't be sure now...
Anyway I feel like we are good friends now,me and my friends always non stop talking about art, music, movies, food,and old times,and that's wha
By the way,love that song "on my own" too!
You are already my important friend! Always You give me good surprise whenever talk with you!
Thank you sooo much!
And let me say only this,Last night my friends praised you highly! I am sorry to show your pages without permission,but I really wanted to show your great cook to my closer!
So my friens also looking forward to see your dishes😊🎶
Thanks! Have a good weekend🌟
Please, forgive me😋I almost shown..
Em said like that
"He is very refined of all,wonderful!"
I answered to people
"Nope,the real genius exists in HK!"
So thanks your kind full word! I'll tell them ,Everyone will surely rejoice! Say thanks to your friends too!
by GLAYの人風に💕