This is Chinese cuisine,and many regions have similar dish.腐乳is fermented 豆腐,a little difficult to explain how it tastes like,but it has a salty,intense flavour,and it's very good with many things.Thank you for all the resnaps,you are very kind!
rick さん☆ Thank you for careful explanation! It is accompanied by the intense smell...Slightly somewhat fierce. When I eat a Chinese dish, I ask! 英語が上手じゃなくてごめんなさいね...
No problem,I understand your English! Also I have been reading your blog,I am very interested in川口江里さん's work,next time I'm in Japan,I will look for them,thanks for sharing!
Thank you for careful explanation! It is accompanied by the intense smell...Slightly somewhat fierce. When I eat a Chinese dish, I ask!
Also I have been reading your blog,I am very interested in川口江里さん's work,next time I'm in Japan,I will look for them,thanks for sharing!
Japan is beautiful at the time of the 桜!