• お気に入り
  • 28もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2013/05/26
  • 672

黒玉子 FROM 箱根

みんなの投稿 (12)
what's that ??
To: fourstar さん、
To: andinani
This is a BLACK EGG, originally normal egg that turned black after being boiled in an eighty-degree hot spring with sulphuric smell. It is famous in a Japanese tourist spot called Hakone near well-known Mount Fuji.
There is an old theory says if you eat one black egg it will lengthen
This is an egg?
To: Loreley
It says one of these eggs can lengthen your life for seven years, though I don't believe it.
To: dararin 様、
mikachi から AHMED
Me too! hahaha (^O^)
To: dararin
As for japanese people, I guess they don't need more, their lifespan is the longest among the world.
mikachi から AHMED
haha You are right!
Actually we don't eat it for living longer. We just like to believe 言い伝え
Loreley から AHMED
Tks for your answer Ahmed. Regards
To: Loreley 👍
もぐもぐ! (28)