鯖缶 is my favorite canned food! It's very convenient and helthy food. I use it variety salad, soup, and topping. Your salad is very beautiful and stylish✨
Thank you Makiko! At SD here,I have seen many delicious looking dishes made from canned mackerel,by you and many other users,canned fish is delicious,eating straight or incorporate in a dish,very versatile and convenient,I also want to share an idea,glad you like it!
It's very convenient and helthy food. I use it variety salad, soup, and topping. Your salad is very beautiful and stylish✨
At SD here,I have seen many delicious looking dishes made from canned mackerel,by you and many other users,canned fish is delicious,eating straight or incorporate in a dish,very versatile and convenient,I also want to share an idea,glad you like it!
俾你揾到....太客氣了,我都係玩玩吓,唔好講請教,大家研究吓!See you next Tuesday!
其實我冇乜同人講我會係度post 相,係Tiffany Google 我個名俾佢揾到...but she is so sweet,very kind to me!你個名型啲,先生係法國,or 西班牙人?