I was dinning at a obansai restaurant called お数家いしかわ during my stay at Kyoto,ordered this dish right after I saw the word かぼちゃ,I was eating away and found this very interesting thing inside,nice bounce and chewiness contrasting to the soft pumpkin,I had no idea what it was but with Yukari's help,I
found out it's 生麩.This one is bought at a place called '麩嘉',using it to make the same dish,not exactly but close enough.Now I am addicted to 生麩,but it's impossible to get this Kyoto specialty here...anyone has a good recipe..?
Hi,りーちさん,I am so glad you like 生麩! I never had it before this trip,but the first bite of it and I fell in love,may be because it was a good dish,it's bouncy textile was so interesting contrasting to the softness of pumpkin,I couldn't stop eating.I also tried it in hot dish,but I prefer cold like thi
this dish better,please try this combination,you will love it!So it's not easy for you to get where you live,I still envy you,it's impossible for me here,but I will fly over for it!
That's great,Makiko San like this too! I wasn't familier with it before but this is big discovery for me,I love it's bouncy and もちもち texture very much,and it's especially good when paired with soft thing like pumpkin,I also try it in a hot dish but I prefer this cold one better!But I like your idea,
Actually I've been expected you'll upload this pics! Now I am very satisfied able to see this pics😊🙏🎶 I know you had wide spectrum of cuisine in last trip too.but no wonder this dish caught your heart.it's rare using 生麩 in salad. So I had no idea when you showed me pics,also i still can't say clear
clearly what brown stuff was..(maybe cooked 車麩or 油麩) I want to send big applause to you,you could reproduce it perfectly! And I love such post the best! I also big love 生麩.In my case,I make 田楽 all the time.it one of typical Kyoto cuisine.if you still have 八百三's 柚味噌.please use it for 生麩田楽.best matchi
I only have you to thank about this one,without your help I would have never know about this,or any other good stuffs I had in this very enjoyable trip! I would have never picked this 生麩 to eat if it's not in this salad already,it really doesn't have a look that is too attractive,does it?but boy,it
has some wonderful texture.Even though it's called salad,it really is some kind of 和え,only the western mayo is used.It's just a simple great dish I could eat over and over again,such a shame we don't have 嘉麩 here...Therefore thanks for the other recommendation of cooking this,I have to wait for next
Kansai trip to have this again! Thank again for your help for this dish,would have been perfect if I could get hold of some 油麩 which was in the original dish,but I am happy!I will definitely explore more 車麩(which we have),I have eaten same preparation as French toast,want to try this soon!
I have been in Japan many times,but only the recent trip that I discovered 生麩 and the pumpkins combination,it blew my mind,humble food could be so good,I highly recommend it to you!
That's very interesting combination you have there too,I would love to try! Not replying comments is never an option to me,it's really not thy many,I still could cope with! I enjoy my time on here,it's my hobby and I get to know people,it's so worth it!
No I am not bored,I am just glad you are interested! I used to have ideas doing something related to food,but I also know the reality being in food industry,it's tough work and not paid off most of the time,we are also lacking sophisticated eater in HK too,not like Japan. So I am just enjoying cooki
You can be a pioneer in HK food world!! Your talent should be shown! How about publish a cookbook? 👍👍👍 Oh, the last pert of my comment was cut 😨. Btw, is 生麩 easily available in HK?
Thank you,that's very flattering,I am afraid my influence would be very limited! If I ever publish a book,I'll make sure you get a free copy! It's a shame 生麩 could not be found here,but it's alright,I come to Japan often enough,it's good to have something look forward to! I am feeling happy for you,
living in a great place,speaking foreign language so you could communicate with the outside world! Please continue and make beautiful food for yourself,just like learning languages,it's good practice for future occasions,It's never wasted!
ありがとう!for your kind words and your offer of your future bestselling cookbook for free! 😁 Did you buy 生麩 here? When did your Love toward Japan start? I admire you as your cooking is not limited only Japanese food. Do your friends know your talent?
This 生麩 here was bought in Kyoto,after I had the same dish in a restaurant,I wanted to reproduce it! Love for Japan?So long ago I don't even remember when?May be I was already attracted by the place from all the Japanese drama when I was a kid. I learn most of the cooking from books,it's all out the
Sorry for my be lated reply😅. I don't think anyone can do as you do. What a shame! Once you start to show your talent, everything around you change in a miraculously smooth way. And you'll know there are many people who have the same talents.
Yep,I eat up all my food,I make packed lunch with the leftover too! I collect cookbooks,kitchen utensils,really everything related to food,My place is good enough but it's filling up fast😰!
生麩是在日本的素食常用的材料。傳統性的菜式是,煮物、刺身、白和え、胡麻和え、田楽、揚げ出し等等,我也蠻喜歡吃!😋 調味得比較甜的最合適吧。比如說,做「白和え」的時候和柿子一起拌,特別好吃喲!
你買的可能是冷凍的生麩吧? 生麩有彈性的口感最重要,你得知適當的解凍方法了嗎?
I never had it before this trip,but the first bite of it and I fell in love,may be because it was a good dish,it's bouncy textile was so interesting contrasting to the softness of pumpkin,I couldn't stop eating.I also tried it in hot dish,but I prefer cold like thi
這個是回來之前在伊勢丹裏的'麩嘉'買的,Yukari 推薦的,回來後便立刻放在冰箱(沒有冰過),跟著便很快做了兩道菜,所以新鮮度還可以。第二道是煮物,但我比較喜歡這道冷的,那種彈性較明顯。謝謝提供,你以上提過的用法,我統統也很有興趣試試,我相信暫時不可能了,在這裏根本買不到...
I wasn't familier with it before but this is big discovery for me,I love it's bouncy and もちもち texture very much,and it's especially good when paired with soft thing like pumpkin,I also try it in a hot dish but I prefer this cold one better!But I like your idea,
I know you had wide spectrum of cuisine in last trip too.but no wonder this dish caught your heart.it's rare using 生麩 in salad.
So I had no idea when you showed me pics,also i still can't say clear
I want to send big applause to you,you could reproduce it perfectly! And I love such post the best!
I also big love 生麩.In my case,I make 田楽 all the time.it one of typical Kyoto cuisine.if you still have 八百三's 柚味噌.please use it for 生麩田楽.best matchi
Rare case is using 生麩 for dessert,there is 生麩ぜんざい.you know 生麩 has similar texture to 餅😊
I would have never picked this 生麩 to eat if it's not in this salad already,it really doesn't have a look that is too attractive,does it?but boy,it
Thank again for your help for this dish,would have been perfect if I could get hold of some 油麩 which was in the original dish,but I am happy!I will definitely explore more 車麩(which we have),I have eaten same preparation as French toast,want to try this soon!
I'm looking forward to see your 車麩's French toast😊
Not replying comments is never an option to me,it's really not thy many,I still could cope with!
I enjoy my time on here,it's my hobby and I get to know people,it's so worth it!
thanks,you are so kind!
I used to have ideas doing something related to food,but I also know the reality being in food industry,it's tough work and not paid off most of the time,we are also lacking sophisticated eater in HK too,not like Japan. So I am just enjoying cooki
How about you,where do you come from?Your English is excellent!
Your talent should be shown!
How about publish a cookbook? 👍👍👍
Oh, the last pert of my comment was cut 😨.
Btw, is 生麩 easily available in HK?
If I ever publish a book,I'll make sure you get a free copy!
It's a shame 生麩 could not be found here,but it's alright,I come to Japan often enough,it's good to have something look forward to!
I am feeling happy for you,
Please continue and make beautiful food for yourself,just like learning languages,it's good practice for future occasions,It's never wasted!
Did you buy 生麩 here?
When did your Love toward Japan start?
I admire you as your cooking is not limited only Japanese food. Do your friends know your talent?
Love for Japan?So long ago I don't even remember when?May be I was already attracted by the place from all the Japanese drama when I was a kid.
I learn most of the cooking from books,it's all out the
Not many people has eaten my food,to entertain is not one of my specialty...
I don't think anyone can do as you do.
What a shame! Once you start to show your talent, everything around you change in a miraculously smooth way. And you'll know there are many people who have the same talents.
😝Easy to say, difficult to do. Lol.
I know you have a lot of tableware from your pix.
And you also have many books!? Your room must be huge,otherwise be fully packed? 😁😁😁
I collect cookbooks,kitchen utensils,really everything related to food,My place is good enough but it's filling up fast😰!
You also make your lunch? Then, your coworkers must know you're a good cook!