• お気に入り
  • 309もぐもぐ!
  • 16リスナップ
  • 2013/05/06
  • 1,332

Baked stuffed onion with pork and fennel

みんなの投稿 (9)
Tastes so delicious!
And beautiful contrast,green,yellow n red👏👏
I am fascinated with such a colorful dish :))
and Thank you for resnap!!😊🎵🎵
Is this special for Halloween? 🎃👻
To: sudap thank you for the renap,happy you like this!
To: romie thank you,in fact I have been busy and couldn't think of food too much,I always have peas when I can't think of anything else,and the colour always look attractive!The stuffing was so good I want to make this again with something else too!Also thanks for the renap!
To: shimamoyo sorry I have almost miss your comment!Anyway,thank you for taking interest in my food!
本当、rikkのお料理はキレイで、美味しそう。verry good!
rick chan から いよこ🍻
Thank you so much for all your compliments,and renap!I am very happy to hear,especially from someone good at cooking.I enjoy cooking very much and find myself thinking about it too much!
もぐもぐ! (309)
リスナップ (16)