I realize this is the festive food for 端午,but I didn't know Japanese's 端午 is much earlier,and I missed it....so instead I had it made for our 端午,which will be in a few days time. I am very fond of food wrapped with some kind of leaf,and when I made Sakura mochi last year,my friend Yukari suggested me that I should try making 柏餅 too,she was right,I love the scent of 柏葉! I usually see this made with a much larger 柏葉,but these small ones are all I could get,I used two on each mochi,I hope that's not too against the tradition....
Our 端午 is on the fifth day of fifth month of our Chinese calendar ,so it's later than yours,I forgot about it so I missed it...Though the same origin,seems like we have very different customs now,I love learning how Japanese celebrate it! We have dragon boat races and we eat ちまき... I am not familiar with this,I just wanted to try,the recipe I follows has the shape like this,which is thinner than the rest(I checked after),I hope it's ok...
I am very fond of food wrapped with some kind of leaf,and when I made Sakura mochi last year,my friend Yukari suggested me that I should try making 柏餅 too,she was right,I love the scent of 柏葉!
I usually see this made with a much larger 柏葉,but these small ones are all I could get,I used two on each mochi,I hope that's not too against the tradition....
We have dragon boat races and we eat ちまき...
I am not familiar with this,I just wanted to try,the recipe I follows has the shape like this,which is thinner than the rest(I checked after),I hope it's ok...
我想問你一下,你做mochi的時候用粳米粉(上新粉)了嗎? 按照傳統的做法,一般主要使用粳米粉,一部分使用糯米粉。我猜你肯定已經了解正統的做法,這樣的問題恐怕是杞人之憂吧。
嘩! 你已經買了手芒豆了! 連我也沒做過白豆蓉,真了不起! 其實我以前做用白豆蓉的甜點的時候,做了簡易式白豆蓉了。這是在超市裡買來的甜煮「白花豆」用blender 打碎成豆蓉的,十分簡單。這種「白花豆」是常溫保存的,很方便♪ 另外、富澤商店售賣著粉末的「白あん」,那也肯定方便吧。
艾草就是よもぎ 嗎?我也有一包粉末的,正想著可以做些什麼⋯⋯
現在呢,櫃台上有的季節性甜點就是魚形狀的「若鮎 わかあゆ」。如果你見到了也可以試試。🐟🐟