After the cake batter is all ready add baking powder and essence and food color....
Now transfer the cake batter in cake pan....But make sure the cake pan is greased with oil and sprinkled with all purpose flour....
Take a heavy bottom vessel....Add 2 tbsp oil in it...Place a stand....And then place the cake pan on top of stand....Cover the outer vessel with lid and cloth making sure that heat does not escape from it....
Turn on the gas....Check for cake after 25 to 30 minutes by piercing a toothpick or knife...if it comes clean the cake is ready.....Usually it takes 25 to 35 minutes fr cake yo bake on gas....
Keep the gas glame slow during whole process.
Enjoi ur cake with tea in evening's...Thank You....😊
can use vareity of essence and color and have variations for same.....