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  • 2015/04/02
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Liege waffle, pistachio and chocolate milk jam,honey roasted plums

みんなの投稿 (7)
Also known as Belgium waffle
Received a bottle of Patisserie Akito's pistachio and chocolate milk jam from my good friend Yukari,she suggests I could spread it on bread but I think I should make something more special than that.A waffle machine has been sitting at the back
of the cupboard for so lon
so long,it was about time to put it in use.
Yukari,thanks so much,I absolutely adore this one,I love both pistachio and chocolate,and it also has a lovely condensed milk flavor in it,one scoop and I have all three,couldn't ask for more!
Wow...Rick!! It's a breathtakingly beautiful air😭💘you never know how i astonished I was to see this! I thought you eaten up my spread in your ordinary breakfast...I haven't any expected you'd make like this gorgeous waffle!!! Thank you×100 for making special dessert! I love Belgium waffle! It's tantalizing aroma when baking,isn't it? (I don't have waffle maker yet...tho) i didn't know you've waffle maker even many time passed since we met😳😁I want you to make waffle more often...because your waffle has very charm than ready made one..
Plum!!😍 you already can get plums in there!? I can't resist baked plum or apricot! It more tasty than raw,right?
Speechless at this shabby chic air...💘I think you can issue your life style visual book! I'll buy it for sure! Please😢🙏✨
Rick,Thank you for making my day special😊🙏
rick chan から ゆかり
I am super happy that you like this,I carefully planned this,didn't just want to spread them
on daily bread,it's your fav spread,got to make it special.Waffle seems to be a appropriate choice and I haven't done any here.I could also make use of my waffle machine too,been at home for too long and I only used it once(bought it at Bangkok,but don't ask me why😁).But you know,I haven't made Belgium waffle before,I love them in Japan,I just thought I could never make it as good.But with you spread,I need to make an effort and try.I found out it's unlike American ones where you whip egg white and mix,these Belgium ones have both yeast and baking soda,and made into a round dough,hence final shape become round too,this is so interesting!Well,mine did smell amazing,but weren't tasting anywhere near the ones I had in Japan,however, I'm motivated to search out for the best recipe.
Are you familiar with this at all,I hope you are!
Plums are very easy to get hold of here.Initially I wanted to use apricot,but they are more rare,I couldn't even find canned ones that day,so I went for the plum,but they are so delicious honey roasted like this!Perfect with yoghurt too I think!
Thanks for great gift and encouraging words!I will work hard on the photos!
ゆかり から rick chan
Oh my! I haven't thought this was your first try because this is perfect! It's very you!
Haha,Bangkok!? I can't predict your behavior at all....😯❓Well,I should like to know why you bought this at Banckok. Let's make it main subject for next week😁
Again,Thank you for pleasing me with supreme waffle! I'm happy you liked spread too! see u✨
rick chan から MyRaX
Glad you like this!
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