• お気に入り
  • 84もぐもぐ!
  • 1リスナップ
  • 2013/03/11
  • 533

tomoemoeさんの♡美味しいゆで卵の作り方 (How to cook smooth and beautiful boild eggs)

みんなの投稿 (8)
ゆで卵を剥くと、だいたいボコボコ肌にしてしまう私…^^; でもこの技でこんなに綺麗に剥けましたーーー!!(๑>∀<๑)つるつる♡うれし~♡ブラマヨの吉田が綾瀬はるかになりましたっ(*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)✧˖°笑

(๑>◡<๑) ❤
To: tomoemoe
ともえさん♡わーい!座布団10枚獲得~₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞□ ホントつるつるに剥けて気分がいいですよね✧˖°定番技にします٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)♡
To: tomoemoe
見に来てくださって、リスナまでありがとうございます♡(° ꈊ °)✧˖°
To: mushroOmcafe
OK I'll explain that😘
1⃣crack the bottom of the egg (a little bit!!) / or make a little hole in the bottom of the egg with a needle
2⃣boil water with salt and vinegar in a pan or pot
3⃣put the eggs in it
4⃣boil for 8~12 minutes
5⃣cool the eggs with cold water
6⃣remove the eggshell😘

Does it make sense!?😓💦
To: mushroOmcafe
Good morning, aom👸💓 How are you today? busy?💦
tomoemoe-san wrote the recipe on SnapDish😄 It's better to add a little bit vinegar👍✨ You'll be able to remove the eggshell easily👌
To: mushroOmcafe
Yeah, I had a sweet dream😍🍰😂 and good, thanks💓 I went to the supermarket in the morning~🚲🍅 Np, I'm a little busy today, too🐴😂 but OK👌✨
もぐもぐ! (84)
リスナップ (1)