• お気に入り
  • 280もぐもぐ!
  • 14リスナップ
  • 2013/06/04
  • 1,259


みんなの投稿 (15)
Complete with guacamole and pico de galo.
Had some chili sitting in the freezer,and saw these avocado selling at$20(¥250)for 4,so what's else is better to make than tacos?
These colors make me happy.
and it looks so delicious!!
rick chan から morimi32
Thank you,very kind of you to say this!
rick chan から apple
謝謝欣賞了,酪梨真的很美味,跟這個墨西哥chili 很配,所以我必會做這個酪梨醬,也頗簡單的!Thank you resnap!
apple から rick chan
Rick謝謝你 resnap 😉
rick chan から apple
不客氣!這個超簡單的,選熟透的酪梨,用叉子壓爛,加切小丁的番茄,切得細碎的洋蔥,香菜,青檸汁,調味等,伴勻便可,網上有很多版本,但都不離這幾樣主要成分,可查guacamole 參考,按個人喜好調整一下。試試看吧!
apple から rick chan
Rick 謝謝你!我下次也來做😋
rick chan から MyRaX
I love the tacos with steak, avocado and chili jalapeño. Tks
rick chan から Loreley
Always welcome!Taco is delicious,but I don't have s lot of recipe,please show me yours!
Loreley から rick chan
Of course Rick when you want I can send you the recipe about the how can you made different tacos. Tks for follow me!
rick chan から Loreley
Thank you,that's so kind,just post them when you make would be great!
Loreley から rick chan
Will be a pleasure! Regards Rick
もぐもぐ! (280)
リスナップ (14)