Wash rice, cut carrot in circles or cubes, dice potato, paprika, zucchini and eggplants in cube, cut garlic finely or use garlic crusher.
Salt and pepper the meat.
Place oil in bigger pot, cook meat on both sides on high heat for few min just to get brownish colour. Take it out and place aside.
Sauté onion on medium heat in a small oil, then add rice, stirring frequently. Add carrots, paprika, zucchini, aubergine, garlic and potato and stir. Cut meat in parts.
After 5min add tomato can, seasoning, paprika powder, dry parsley, salt and pepper and water. Let it boil, add meat and smoked bacon (it should be in all inside water), let it boil for some time.
Preheat the oven to 200C. Place djuvec in oven pot and bake for 45-60min.