• お気に入り
  • 376もぐもぐ!
  • 36リスナップ
  • 2014/02/27
  • 2,856


みんなの投稿 (12)
Made this with the leftover えごまの葉.
I love love love love love possum so much I could die💘( I much said love....lol ) actually I was hoping you make Korean cuisine with 荏胡麻 too.
荏胡麻 goes work well in possum ,right? i think it essential.Yours looks perfect✨It beyond my fave Korean restaurant👍🎶
Aww..I suddenly got a craving to eat Kore
Korean foods.. I'll make something too!😋👍
Funny that u used Japanese in this post as it's a Korean dish and even wrote the sesame leaves as 荏胡麻の葉!
rick chan から ゆかり
I keep seeing this dish shows up somewhere but I have never tried a proper one,we always have something else to order in Korean restaurants.But I was looking for a dish that I could use my leftover leaves,this seemed good to me,and I hope I had done it correctly.The sauce is えごま味噌 ,コチュジャン and ごま油.I
have to say I love it,you are right, both えごま味噌 and 葉are essential!And some crunchy lettuce wrap around some herb and meat always appeal to me!I am glad you like Korean food,I have one more coming,let's see yours too!
rick chan から Funky Chef
Haha,I know it's funny!I always try to provide a Japanese title,most users here are Japanese and I think they'll be more interested if they know what they are seeing.And I can't type Korean anyway...
rick chan から apple
apple から rick chan
rick chan から apple
apple から rick chan
rick 謝謝你!期待你的墨魚料理😍我的冷凍庫還有近兩公斤的墨魚,我很期待有新的料理方法呢😋一定要教我做哦!🙏
もぐもぐ! (376)
リスナップ (36)