• お気に入り
  • 335もぐもぐ!
  • 19リスナップ
  • 2013/06/14
  • 2,112


みんなの投稿 (40)
Ox tongue salad with caramelized onion dressing,with daikon,cucumber ,carrot,daikon sprout, cabbage, pickled ginger.
Don't eat offal very often,but I absolutely love ox tongue,I'll see if I could do a French style ox tongue salad sometime.
Yum! I'll have to try this on my 冷やし中華~
rick chan から Juliee ~ ジュリー
Thank you ,please try,I'd like to see,I love は冷やし中華too!
another 'magic' dish fron you..give us more more more Ricky
This is Mt.FUJI🗻
rick chan から yap
Thank you for the encouragement
,more on the way!
rick chan から シロー
Thank you,and for resnap too,so glad you like my Fuji salad!😊
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you so much!
It has been very hot lately in Japan
.How about over there,are you all right? Anyway,I'm convinced of that "this is super good taste!!".
I wanna eat this😆🎶
it's greatest during summer dish!!
beautiful sarad here!!
it seems noodle in side of this triangle( ›◡ु‹ ) how to cook this dressing?!
rick chan から ゆかり
Thanks so much,I enjoyed this too,all the crunchy vegetables makes this really good to eat,perfect for summer,you know I am not very fond of summer,just too hot for me,the only things that save me are all the great summer cold dishes,like this one!Hong Kong had been raining non stop for a few weeks
rick chan から ゆかり
now,but I rather have the wet weather then the crazy hot here!Thank you for resnap too!
rick chan から apple
謝謝欣賞!擺盤其實不太困難,但把每樣東西切絲便費了一點時間,還好吃來的効果不錯,頗滿意這個自家的創作,牛舌是我特別喜愛的,跟濃厚風味的醬汁和清爽的蔬菜很配合!Thx for resnap!!
rick chan から SANJI🍻🍴😍
rick chan から レイ
Thank you!!It's actually shredded cabbage inside!This is how I made the dressing:chop up some onion,and sauté low heat in pan,with olive oil until dark amber in colour(takes about half an hour),cool,use 1/3 and blend smooth with these,chopped garlic,balsamic,黑酢,Dijon mustard,からし,soy sauce(!),honey,s
rick chan から レイ
sugar,salt,black pepper,昆布茶,olive oil,and water.Then I mix in some ごま and the 2/3 of onion.I created this so that it's more complex and with some Wafu in it,and sorry I don't have measurements,but do adjust according to what you like.Have fun!
apple から rick chan
rick chan から apple
rick chan から zc
zc から rick chan
apple から rick chan
沖縄賣牛舌的店不常見,如果有買到我也想做,我很喜歡牛舌滷好切片撒上大量蔥花跟醬汁,好久沒吃這味了😋Rick謝謝 resnap😄
I haven't seen you for a while rikk!
I'm sooo fascinated by all of your special cooking😭💕💕
You're too great!!
Now I'm so hungry😆😆😆
Thank you for your awesome posts!!
rick chan から romie
Please forgive me,I knew you were busy and hadn't post for a while,and I got busy too and forgot to check your post....anyway so happy to hear from you,and the wonderful compliments first thing in the morning!Really great start and motivation for the day,you are awesome my friend!!
rick chan から romie
Thank you for all the resnaps too!
What thoroughness✨✨✨
rick chan から 太田 Tommy
Thank you for the compliment !
rick chan から いずみ
Thank you,so glad you like this!
rick chan から 太田 Tommy
Oh sorry,forgot to thank you for resnap!
I was moved...!!!!!
What a nice sense...!!!!
rick chan から まる(丸大豆)
Thank you,just trying to have some fun with it!
Looks so yummy
rick chan から Matsu sweets
Thank you,appreciate this!
Is it remen?? It's sour and cold. I'm not sure but this dish look yummy!:-)
rick chan から Hamano Shion
Thank you,this is ox tongue salad,it's cabbage inside,with a caramelized onion dressing,yes,a sweet and sour dish.
もぐもぐ! (335)
リスナップ (19)