• お気に入り
  • 312もぐもぐ!
  • 13リスナップ
  • 2013/05/09
  • 2,622


みんなの投稿 (45)
Roasted pork knuckle,German style,served with potato and celery salad.
Anyone love meat should be very satisfied with this!It's the first time I did this,and some adjustments need to be made next time,such as time need to be another half an hour longer in the oven to make the meat more tender and th
the skin crispier.And although not for me,beer would be great with this!
To: rikk
I hope I'd enjoy having a relaxing glass of wine aft work & on d weekends with ur dish like dis!
O my *** that just made me never want to cook again .. How do you do that
Yum! A tall glass of hefeweizen would be perfect to wash this down with!
That is amazing!! My sons love Schweinshaxe
To: yukanakata33 thank you,you are so right,good with a glass of cold white wine,I even prefer this more than beer!I love this dish and always wanted to try making,not bad for the first attempt!
I just showed my German colleague this and high just burst out a long long sigh and told me that I shouldn't have shown him that. LoL
Ahhh! STOP torturing meeeeeeee!!
Luv Luv this!
To: noborionapple 你這樣說真的非常感謝!興趣這回事,有人會用金錢購買,收集,有人會花時間去學去做,我便是這類的人(主要理由當然是沒有源源不絶的金錢),做不到理想的效果是會深深不忿的,況且只是煑食,不是什麼高科技來的!積下來的總算有點經驗,最重要是學懂了分辨好與不好。可惜這個還有點不好,肉不夠柔軟,皮有些是脆有些不是的,會再硏究一下的。也謝謝resnap!看得出你也是肯學,又不斷自我増值的人,我很欣賞啊!
To: Romeo614 thank you,you are too kind,really not as complicated as you think,I'm sure you could make it!
To: ran521jp 謝謝!第一次做,還未如理想的。先用水烚半小時,然後在皮上𠝹過之後,用鹽醃大半天,最後在烤箱裏烤,先高溫,之後在盤裏加水用低溫烤熟。這次時間𣎴夠,下次做得好的話再給你詳細一點的方法。
To: Cheesywee sounds great!Actually I'm not too familiar with German beer,or any alcohol,but I want to try it next time!
To: dmp22 thank you,glad to know,I bet you make really good ones!
To: humongousfungus haha,I hope he was not sighing because I have ruined the reputation of their food😊,actually this is my first,and it still has room for improvement,but thank you anyway!
To: kiabuu 😥oops,so sorry about that,can't do anything now,is it better if I tell you it's not as good as it looks?😊Anyway,so glad you like this!!🙏
To: humongousfungus thank you for resnap too!
To: rikk thanks for replying to the support email i sent you. It was super encouraging to find that you like the app.😀
To: humongousfungus you are welcome,actually have to thank you for creating this,met so many nice people and learnt so much about cooking here,I have never dreamt of this and I think the same goes to everybody too,keep it up my friend!
To: rikk I love to cook and I even enjoy using this app and getting to communicate with people like you. Life can be full of so much inspiration!
To: sudap thank you,not bad for first attempt,but not exactly the way I want it.Thank you for resnap too!
Very yummy-looking dish! I wish I could stretch my arm and grab it!
To: BentoLove thank you for the compliment,very happy you like this,love to share this with you!
To: BentoLove thank you for resnap too!
Amazing!! I used to eat this when I was in germany but I never ever cook by myself. I love to eat this with a black beer!!
To: rikk 水煮后再用盐醃,这个没想道过,花时间和功夫肯定好吃👍
To: raycheal thank you,I almost forgot you are so familiar with German dishes,it's really everybody's guilty pleasure,isn't it!This is not perfect,but I'll work on it,and post this so everybody could try,it really not as difficult as it looks,and certainly not for a great cook like you,and I want y
To: raycheal you to enjoy this too!The most difficult thing actually is getting hold of this cut of the meat in Japan,I heard.Thank you for resnap!
To: ran521jp 也想像得到日本比較難找的部位,在香港這個是用來做紅燒元蹄的。真的不難做,而大部份時間也在烤箱內。皮要趁熱切,但不可太深,鹽要盡量塞進𠝹開的地方,高溫烤焗的首一小時也請不要用蒸氣。再有不明白的話,做之前請隨時留言給我!
It is a delicious dynamic😄💕✨
Wow! What a feast!
I'm into your yummy post!
It's seems big portion! moreover,
What a stylish you are!
really love this atmosphere😍
I need&love like this power foods!!
Dynamic, so cool! 👍
Germany style, very nice ✨ 😊
To: kinacox thank you ,can't resist pork knuckles,so happy everybody like this!
To: yukaringg haha,it's big,but a big part of it is bone!So glad you like this,I do this to encourage everybody to try at home,it's really not difficult.It is power food,and also guilty pleasure for me!
Happy mother's day!
To: 0987hiropon thank you,big portion German food,always satisfying for me!Also big thank you for all the resnaps,my phone went really busy!
To: rikk
Thanks! Happy Mother's Day,too!
With my all of best wishes for your mother's good health and prosperity💐💐
To: yukaringg my mother says thank you !
I'm German and I wish I had a 3D food printer for this! nomnom
To: makibo thank you so much for the kind words,so happy coming from a German,so I guess you are the colleague that Mr.Fukushima was talking about!I am not familiar with German food but I was craving for this,so I gave it a try,not too bad for the first time I have to say,and I'll do more research o
To: makibo on this to make this more presentable,I promise!
Thank you for resnap!
凄いこのお肉 wild〜!
rick chan から marimari
Hi there,so glad to hear from you!Thank you for your compliment as always,I was thinking about this so much that I wanted to try making,it was my first,and it was ok but I want to make the skin crispier next time!Yes,went to Vietnam,wonderful trip,I have better understanding of the local food now,bu
rick chan から marimari
but slightly regret I didn't bring enough ceramics back!
もぐもぐ! (312)
リスナップ (13)