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  • 2013/06/25
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Prawn and green mango curry

みんなの投稿 (39)
Thank you for having me in 華麗部(curry club),I feel like I need to contribute something,so here is a seafood curry from South India,slightly sour with the green mango which makes this great for summer,while the coconut reminds you of tropical.
Sauce is made with onion,fennel seeds,gree
green chillies,garlic-ginger paste,coriander seed,tumeric powder ,chilli powder,grated coconut,green mango.Before serving,an aromatic oil is drizzle over,which made with coconut oil,fenugreek seeds,black mustard seeds,curry leaves.
Also coconut milk in the sauce!!
rick chan から apple
rick chan から apple
Looks excellent.
I thought that I Follow.(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
I always mumble to the full(@ ̄ρ ̄@)
Ready-To-Eat is wonderful to very cool.
rickさん💖お久しぶりです( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Well come to 華麗部🎉
I long for your curry! Just as I thought
you are so cool,you made from scratch by many pure spices !
And green papaya is my big fav! I cook a lot "somtum"use this.but I've never yet try with curry.I wanna try soon!You are truly awesome rookie of 華麗部✨
And another happy point is Nina is there🎶😆🎶
Nice food with nice sound,I really admire your place✨✨thanx your hot summer post! Always you make my day!
rick chan から Bear Hug
Thank you,glad you like this!
rikk san 🌟
Welcome to 華麗部👯🎶
Actually, leader of 華麗部 is me! 😊
did you know?
By the way, your shrimp curry is Amazing!
you made it using a lot of spices, and curry leaf which is essential in south indian dish.
wonderful!! 👏👏👏💗
it lOooks soOoo yummy😋😋
Thanks so much,I really enjoyed this too!
Thank you for resnap too!
rick chan から 江里子
Thank you for following too,very kind of you,I love all your dishes!
rick chan から 黄な粉
Thank you,I love curry so much,can't let my club mate down,have to make something interesting!
rick chan から ちび隊長
Hello 隊長San,been a long time!Always great to hear from you!Happy you like this 南国カレー,I especially love curries from the south asia,always reminds me of vacation!This one is quite mild,the sauce has green mango in it,giving it a sour taste.I also put a little of sugar too.Thank you for resnap too!
Thank you for you kind words!Seems like everybody love curries here,it's very exciting for me too!
apple から rick chan
Rick 謝謝🎉青芒果不常見,但應該買得到,我找一天比較有時間要做馬來咖哩,材料已經大至買齊全了😋
rick chan から ゆかり
You are welcome and thank you Yukari San,resnap too,so relief you like my curry.I have stocked my kitchen with most spices,so naturally I love to start from scratch.Too many great cooks in this club and all so familiar with curries,just can't let them down,so I am trying to do special ones here hopi
rick chan から ゆかり
hoping people would find interesting enough.Btw,this is green mango,not papaya,though similar,but not the same.Not sure if curry work with papaya,but sure with mango!So please try,just let me know and I'll give you more details!
And yes,Nina is here,just trying to show off with my collection,can't r
rick chan から ゆかり
rick chan から bronzebee
Oh,I didn't know but I do now,congrats on having such a great club,thank you for having me,I hope everybody like this!I am lucky to have an Indian shop that sells most spices,I have stocked up my kitchen with them,I just love to make curries from scratch.I got the fresh curry leaves from there too,s
,such a great herb that makes the curry really special!Thank you so much for resnap too!
rick chan から apple
rick chan から モナママ
Thank you so much for your support,always!!
To: rikk
Oh,i'm stupid!
Sorry my misreading💦
It seems my brain was affected by summer heat....See,it's mango😊
Also I'll make curry Shortly!
And Thanks showing me wonderful your nina collection.you've nice witty!
you got to me! Really!
Don't be sorry,must be the heat,I'm doing silly things myself!I'm waiting patiently for your curry,but not too long please!
Thank you for the risunappu😄💕
😞I'm sorry.
English, it's not good😭
rick chan から akiko
Thank you too!If you need,please write Japanese,I understand a little!
akiko から rick chan
rick chan から akiko
Always welcome!
rikk san 🌟
yes, I'm leader of 華麗部. but I did nothing special.😅
yukaringg named 華麗部.Almost all the members were invited by her.😊

btw, Of cource evreybody likes your curry dish. I do like it😆✨

Do you have the fresh curry leaves yet?
I learned a delicious recipe using fresh curry leaves at curry cla
rick chan から bronzebee
I see.I am lucky to have a Indian supply store in the area where I buy grocery,they also have fresh curry leaves,and not expensive too,it's an unusual but very fragrant aroma added onto curries,I love it!
Also I've just posted a beet dish,please take a look!
bronzebee から rick chan
rikk san👾🎶
I'm sorry that my comemt was not completed. 👆👆🙇🙇
I wrote in this way..
"I learned a delicious recipe using fresh curry leaves in curry class.
If you have fresh curry leaves yet, I'm going to post it next time!!"

btw, You did posted the recipe of beet for me?
Wow😆💛I'll check it sooon!🏃🏃💨
rick chan から bronzebee
I have fresh curry leave,just saw your post,will go to back and have a closer look soon!Sorry for replying so late,kind of busy…
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