• お気に入り
  • 73もぐもぐ!
  • 2リスナップ
  • 2012/11/23
  • 1,736


みんなの投稿 (18)
Clay pot roast pork with eel and deep fried garlic,also with deep fried bean curd sheet.
I don't like the idea of cooking meat and seafood together,apart from some traditional Chinese dishes like this.Comfort food for me!
To: yhirai thank you,and yes,quite similar to 寄せ鍋,but I put some potato flour at the end to thicken the sauce.I love 寄せ鍋too!
To: MangoPudding 對啊,在中國,甚至日本很多地方也有像這樣有魚有肉的古老菜式,最近天氣涼了,想起這個,便動手做起來。我們廣東人,很喜歡用"和味"來形容這類菜式!
To: jacky1964 thank you,I love your cooking too,also appreciate for the tips and instructions!I am sorry I don't write much Japanese,I hope you understand My English.
To: rikk
Thanks for following!
Your dish is nice idea!
To: rikk beautiful!
To: dodyu thank you my friend!
To: rikk thanks. I think, I want to eat all of yours'.
The idea of meat and seafood is quite new for me. To cook them together in clay pot with deep fried bean curd looks so interesting. I can imagine how good its taste ;)
To: PraePlanet putting fresh seafood and meat together has been done for a long time in Chinese cuisine, so I guess it proves that it works,but for western dishes,I would rather not mix them together.And you are right,that deep fried bean curd sheet is the best feature in this dish,because it soaks
To: PraePlanet up the sauce and taste real good!
To: chenchengren 謝謝!也不能怪你,身邊很多朋友也很抗拒鱔魚,原因是那可惡的外型,我從少便吃,倒覺得沒怎樣。反而令我覺得可惡的是當今高昂的價格,以這樣養殖的魚類,實在已超出本身的價值,我還有很多其他的選擇呢!
To: kadudes thank you,very tasty indeed!
もぐもぐ! (73)
リスナップ (2)