I am impressed with the ingredients of Rick's frittata. It looks delish and I am sure it definitely is! As I did not have 百合根, I added burdock and 安納芋(kind of sweet potato) which are both autumn food. It smelled REALLY good as I cooked!
Wow,really fast!But looks fantastic! It's perfectly ok not to use lily bulb,after all,it's not everybody's taste because of it's bitterness!牛蒡 is superb substitute.I also thought of using sweet potato too,but there were already sweet stuffs in mine,and I didn't want it too sweet,that why I used pota
potato instead.But it's perfectly fine if you want to use it! It really has a wonderful aroma when cooking,you must have done a great job!Good idea you used a tart dish,it looks amazing on the table!Autumn is my favorite season and food like this makes me happy,thank you so much for showing this to
Good morning, Rick! Thank you for your comment about the dish I used. It was just by an accident I used it. XD It was difficult to turn the frittata in a frying pan as I burnt it ;( I put it in the dish and cooked in the oven. Haha! It was really tasty, anyway. I loved it. I also love foods that mak
I love 安納芋 so much too, have to cook something with it! I think you got it right,I didn't turn my frittata too,I cooked on the stove in a pan,then finished in an oven. Thanks again,have a nice day!
It's perfectly ok not to use lily bulb,after all,it's not everybody's taste because of it's bitterness!牛蒡 is superb substitute.I also thought of using sweet potato too,but there were already sweet stuffs in mine,and I didn't want it too sweet,that why I used pota
It really has a wonderful aroma when cooking,you must have done a great job!Good idea you used a tart dish,it looks amazing on the table!Autumn is my favorite season and food like this makes me happy,thank you so much for showing this to
Thank you for your comment about the dish I used. It was just by an accident I used it. XD It was difficult to turn the frittata in a frying pan as I burnt it ;( I put it in the dish and cooked in the oven. Haha!
It was really tasty, anyway. I loved it. I also love foods that mak
フライパンで全然OKです👍フタをして弱火でゆっくり両面を焼くだけです!でも、小さめのフライパンをオススメしますよ〜(≧∇≦)私みたいに欲をかくと、コゲコゲになってオーブンに入れるハメになりまーすꉂꉂꉂ꒰( ˃̵̆ ළ ॢ˂̵̆ )꒱
I think you got it right,I didn't turn my frittata too,I cooked on the stove in a pan,then finished in an oven.
Thanks again,have a nice day!