• お気に入り
  • 59もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2013/03/16
  • 1,193

おみやげfrom Lijiang /玫瑰餅/rose pastry

みんなの投稿 (17)
Apparently Yunnan is famous for its flowers but I never knew they incorporate them in their food.I was pleasantly surprised how good this tastes so I decided to bring back some.This box comes with different types of pastries(all good) with the same tasty rose paste filling,with the right amount of
sweetness and not artificial at all.Very mixed reviews with this amongst my friends,but I have no problems eating flowers myself!
To: rachelxuan 對啊,但試過很多間,只有這個叫"嘉華"特別好的!很可惜已吃完了!
To: rikk 对,只有嘉华是正宗的。而且那种里面带有玫瑰花瓣的最好吃。你去云南了?
To: rachelxuan 對啊,剛過了農曆新年便去了麗江數天,很喜歡,但吃的都太辣了!
😋with the same sweets also as my country Pie steamed-filled-dumplings + 餡子!
To: yhirai I like all the 和菓子too!
To: rachelxuan 留言不見了,那個刈包在台灣很出名的,現在也紅到美國去了!另外我也喜歡胡椒餅,有空要到台灣試試啊!
To: chenchengren 對啊,現在很後悔沒多買一些!Thanks for resnap too!
To: rikk 网上有卖的,我吃第一次觉得好吃极了,以后再吃就没有第一次那么强烈的感觉了。
To: chenchengren 哈哈,總是這樣的,但也要試試看,往淘寶找!
omg that's my favorite snack in lijiang . I was waiting in one of the bakeries for the fresh baked rose cake.
To: louisa521 oh that's good to know,I had to try a few different shops to confirm this is the best from the area,and I'm sure it's better when freshly baked!I am addicted to it now and have to see if I could order it.Did you live there or just visiting?
To: rikk no I was just visiting :) but this is the brand that's pretty famous in lijiang. I don't think they deliver freshly baked food though. I'm really into rosé favor >< yea the rose milky era is also very good. They have rose jam in Dali which I love the most.try that if u can.
To: louisa521 I see.I guess I was lucky,I had a little time to wander about,and I walked into this shop and tried a piece,so surprised it is that good.As a man,I'm strangely into all the food made from rose(and other flowers),and I love the jam too,in fact I also love the floral tea too!
もぐもぐ! (59)