• お気に入り
  • 343もぐもぐ!
  • 34リスナップ
  • 2013/09/04
  • 1,447

Eggplant roll with pepper and basil/ピーマンとバジルの茄子ロール

みんなの投稿 (19)
also serve with arugular,olive oil and balsamic.(ルッコラ、オリーブオイルとバルサミコ)
Looks soooo nicely healthy tasty beautifully!😊✨
I think your veggie plate will satisfy the all of vegetarians, not only that,
unvegetarian as well!
So well balanced!Everything my fave veggies,especially rocket are best!
And thanx for your mention,I didn't know that arugula=rocket!😁💦
yummy :D
Your dish is too great,so I don't know how I can express my feeling!!!
Also, I'm satisfied enough without eating your dish:)
rick chan から Mio Abe
Glad you like this!Thank you for the long time support too!
rick chan から ゆかり
Probably won't be a vegetarian soon,but I'm really trying to eat more veggie.Its a little challenging to always think of interesting vegetarian dishes,and I admit I sometimes need to make it look good to arouse everyone's appetite too.I have to say this one really does the job,although more work,but
rick chan から ゆかり
,but it's all worth it,and the flavours are great!One bite of everything and you could tell its the classic Italian combination!
Thank you always taking time and comment,I appreciate this!And yes,rocket is arugula,I was confused too!
rick chan から miyako
Thank you always,and resnap too,I appreciate your kindness!
rick chan から ゆぅ
Thank you,for resnap too!Makes me very happy to hear this!
rick chan から ともきーた (伊藤 智子)
Thank you,but that's the greatest compliment already!I am so happy everybody like this,I eat strictly vegetarian at least once a week,and it has become more challenging to think of new dishes,but I have to say I am very happy with this,will definitely make again!Thanks for all the resnaps!
ur welcome :)
thank your too !!
I love it so much! Looks healthy and definitely delicious!
I have made a dish like this except eggplant. I'm sure adding eggplant is better.
I would love to try to make this!!😍
rick chan から mikachi
Thank you,I love this too,all traditional Italian flavours that work so good together,it's a little bit more work,but all worth it,and besides,It looks pretty(I think).Anyway,try it please,you will love it too!BTW,I used asiago cheese,but also good with mozzarella,or even Gorgonzola!Thanks for resna
rick chan から mikachi
resnap too!
I like this italian style food
rick chan から cecca
Thank you,so glad to hear!!
mikachi から rick chan
Yeah I used mozzarella for my dish. It was nice.👍
もぐもぐ! (343)
リスナップ (34)