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Reachon San's Cinnamon roll

みんなの投稿 (38)
Had some leftover cinnamon sugar from Yukari San's baked apple,what else is better to make than cinnamon rolls!I always love to make bread but my skill is not good enough for all the artisan bread I love.But making these should be simple,with the help of super cook Reachon San's recent post.
Have to
thank you Reachon San,this turned out so delicious,I could not believe I made these myself.I also want to say,you are one of my most respected person in here,your food always done perfectly,and your photos are like art,I have so much joy looking at them!I have to imitate your photo this time to pay
homage,I used these leaves for my photo before,they smell so good that I didn't want to throw away,but too bad I could not find one with worm bite into it...
There is a sticky version of cinnamon rolls that baked in caramel,I will move on to that next time...
Oh one more thing,for the sugar icing,I mistaken my caster sugar as the icing sugar that I should use,total silliness...
Applause👏👏actually I waited for your bakery inwardly!Do you know how I feel happy now! You saying such "not enough skill "modestly,I never think tho.I know you like kind of country bread or baguette,i'm sure you can get well with any bread too!! Ok,Let me talk about your rolls.It's very neatly shape
n beautiful eddy! I wonder why mine turn out like babel tower..😑..plus bake color is perfect, too!Your bread making are worthy of high praise!
And You never lacking thoughtful attention for Rechon san with witty presentation! That's just like her post! Surely your posts became a unforgettable things
for her😊 stunning✨✨
Thank you so much for your kind words,and resnap!You are right,it would be perfect with some baked apple in this too,I will do that next time!But I was happy enough that I made these,I love bread but I rarely made them,I am also addicted to cinnamon too,this one is perfect for me!I have more confide
confidence now,so I will make this a again and again,and other variation too!Reachon San,it's my pleasure to know you here,you are an amazing cook,I have so much to learn from you!
rick chan から ゆかり
Yes,I made this in my day off,it was such an enjoyable thing,kneading the dough by hands,relaxing myself when the dough is relaxing itself,the rolling and the cutting,and best part was the wonderful smell when baking,and stayed so long after...It was delicious too,it would be perfect with some of yo
your baked apple inside,like Reachon San said!
I fell in love with baking bread again after this!Thank you for giving me the confidence,I'll move on to other bread!
And no way,Ms Yukari just being modest too,you are one the best bread baker here,I am sure yours come out like a pretty tower!I am look
looking forward very much to your bread post too!
Good morning◎
Always thank you for resnap☆
I am looking forward to your dish always〜♪♪
Hello rick chan!
I didnt know that you make bread!Amazing♪♪
Its a cinnamon roll very beautiful✧
I want to eat a cinnamon roll baked apple filled.
I also made the bread in this recipe before.
I arranged a little,
but it was very yummy♡
rick chan から nori.co.jp
Good morning,sorry for the late reply!
You are most welcome,I love your food styling,I have great pleasure looking at the post!
rick chan から のっちゃん
Happy to hear from you,のっちゃん!
I eat bread everyday,but I am still new to bread making,this is my first cinnamon roll,I am happy with it,it's a good recipe!I didn't put apple this time,but next time I'll try with it!I just look at the one you made,you have good idea using matcha and あんこ,I love both!W
!Whatever you are cooking,it's always good,I also want to learn more bread making from you,I am looking forward to your post!Thank you for resnap!
rick chan から miyako
Thank you so much,and resnap too!
So glad you like this,it's my first cinnamon roll!
Did you make for the first time?
It's very impressive.👏👏👏great!
Did you knead by hand this?
rick chan から 黄な粉
Yes,first time I made cinnamon roll,I am glad they turned out good,thanks to Reachon San's recipe,you know her?She is amazing!I knead this but hand,I love doing it,I also have a machine,but kitchen not big enough to leave on work top,I couldn't bother taking it out...Thank you for your kind words,an
and resnaps too!
Hi, Rick!!
Long time no seeing 😅
Firstly, I have to apologize you to interrupt the chatting between you and Yukarisan on Twitter.
I'm very sorry, and regret because it is impolite for you.
Please allow me to see your splendid dishes. Even if not, I'll do that😭
rick chan から Y氏の凡人
Hi Mr. Y 氏,I am happy to hear from you,I guess you are still busy traveling around,please try and relax and make more good food for us!
Not a problem at all,you are welcome to join our chat anytime,I am sure Ms Yukari will be delighted too!And by all means come and have a look at what I have done h
here,it's my honour,and your comments are precious to me!Thank you for the resnap too!
rickさん何でも綺麗に作れて素晴らしいですね( ̄^ ̄)ゞ😍✨
( ̄^ ̄)ゞ❤️
rick chan から ちび隊長
隊長San,I am very happy to hear this,can't take all the credits,Reachon San helped me!!Thanks for resnap too!
Thank you so much,risnap too!
I have to admire styling full of sense and the perfect cooking of Rick's sun while every time.You will be happy to look at life style as well as cuisine because beautiful.
rick chan から wa-vie
Hello Micco San,thank you so much for the kind words,makes me very happy,cooking is what I enjoy most,I'm so glad you like what I do!
I wanted to leave you comment too,I love all your stylish food,and make me a little sad that I could not be in one of your parties...I can really sense the happiness,
,I am sure your friends are thankful to have you!
Please keep up the good work,I look forward seeing your dishes!
Hello, Rick-san!
Uhm... May I know what camera and lens you use in your photos? They really look so gorgeous and I want to hone my photography skills once I buy a new dslr. My old one (canon eos 1100d) is rusting and its kit lens is no good for food photography, at least for me. ^_^; so for all my p
hotos, I've been using iPhone. Hahaha a handy alternative. 😅
rick chan から Nyam | 照ちゃん
Hi there Teruchan!Thank you so much for the compilments!
I am always a Nikon fan,and I own a D800E and various lenses now,but for the ease of working here,I always use my iPhone 5 to shoot these photos for my food,all I need is a powerful editing tool to edit them after,I use "snapseed" mainly.
Nyam | 照ちゃん から rick chan
It's so frustrating. (T ^ T)
So the beauty of your photos is mainly from the conceptualization of the shot, not really the camera. I want to still you're awesome photography skills. Waaaaaaaah!
Nyam | 照ちゃん から rick chan
I checked out snapseed on App Store... It's a free software? That's so cool. I've been using a variety of photo editing softwares on iPhone for every pic just. I will surely try this software on my next photos. Thank you soooooooooo much for the tips/iinfo! 😄☺
rick chan から Nyam | 照ちゃん
You are welcome!
No need to be frustrated,once you get use to this app,you will be able to do whatever I do,and I have to say I'm very happy with the performance with the camera in my iphone 5,especially in darker environment.
And yes,snapseed has been a very well known editing app amongst keen ipho
rick chan から Nyam | 照ちゃん
iphone photographers,it used to be a paid app for so long,and now is free.
Happy new year!
Nyam | 照ちゃん から rick chan
I had a typographical error on my previous message... "I want to steal your awesome photography skills", not "still". 😅

Wow I'm so lucky to have learned about snapseed now that it's free. I owe it to you! Thanks a lot for the many tips always. ^_^

Happy new year!
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