• お気に入り
  • 309もぐもぐ!
  • 46リスナップ
  • 2013/09/19
  • 1,845


みんなの投稿 (29)
It's sanma season,and here is an idea for you people who could get fresh sanma.
Unless I go to sushi place and have sanma sushi,there isn't much different what time of the year I eat,because the sanma I could get here are all frozen,there just isn't any local ones.One good thing is that they are sup
cheap,so cheap that I think I'll still have something nice to eat when I am broke!
What's in it:sanma,shiso,chirimen chako,sesame,katsuo bushi shoyu/
Looks so good!! I wanna 1!!
Wow, good work!! I would like to make it, I wonder if I should do to make のり巻き.
Thank you for resnap😊
yummy !!!
It is only a dish to be always enchanted by.
Always thank you for squirrel nap.
That´s good idea(^o^)
Wonderful fragrant ! 🐟🔥
Hi rick chan!
What is frozen sanma?
I looked in squid rice.
And I looked like a grilled sugar and soy sauce!
Simple is good! I love it♡
It seems to eat at all:)
rick chan から maki
Thank you so much,I am glad to hear!
rick chan から Asahimaru
Thank you for the compliment,it's pretty easy,open up sanma,remove bones,sprinkle a little salt,leave for 20 mins,make origiri with above ingredients,shape into 俵型。wipe dry sanma,place 2 pieces shiso on sanma,then place origiri on and roll up like nori maki,secure with楊枝,brush some soy sauce on the
rick chan から Asahimaru
skin of sanma,then grill until nice colour !Please try!
rick chan から miyako
Thank you ,so glad you like this,I had fun too!
Thank you so much for the resnap and compliment, just want to make something special with sanma!
rick chan から さと
Thank you so much,and resnap too,try to make something a little special with the delicious sanma,I am glad you like it!
rick chan から 太田 Tommy
Thank you for saying that,and resnap too.It really did smell good when grilled!I am very happy you like this!
rick chan から のっちゃん
Hello my friend,it simply means 凍結秋刀魚,because we don't have local sanma,they are shipped from Japan and Taiwan .It does look a little like squid rice,but if you think it looks like sugar and soy sauce,I must have messed it up then,I will try harder next time!But big thank you for the compilment and
rick chan から apple
I wanna eat さんまおにぎり right now
! It's time to eat さんま♪ Yaaaay!
rick chan から ともきーた (伊藤 智子)
Yes,it's autumn,and lots of my favourite food show up this time,sanma is one of them,this one is a little tricky to make,but it's worth it!
What a nice idea,I think that it's thoughtful おにぎり!
I love 秋刀魚,love おにぎり.Both being united,looks good condition🎶
Especially i love the choice of ingredients which you mixed is splendid! I agreed that's going as makes nice taste😋
And beautifully sliced section!
You always cut it into pi
rick chan から ゆかり
This one is a little tricky to make,I really hesitate wether I should do,The deboning,the shaping,the rolling,and the cutting all need a little care,really not my strongest area,but I think they came out alright,and I'm glad everyone thinks it's a good idea,very rewarding for me.Thank you too!I love
rick chan から ゆかり
sanma a lot,hope to see your sanma dishes too!
You introduced such a novel n cool way of eating sanma!
This round form is also really beautiful and charming!!!
rick chan から romie
Thank you so much!The wait is over for me,my favorite autumn is here and it's sanma season,I guess everybody like a sanma like me,so I thought this would be a good idea.It requires more work,but definitely worth it!Thank you for the kind words and all the resnaps too!
rick chan から marimari
Thank you so much Mari San,always happy to hear your compliment,I realize everybody loves sanma here,so I guess I have to do something special that I learnt,this takes a little care to make,but so worth it!I am so glad people like this,big thanks for the resnap too!
もぐもぐ! (309)
リスナップ (46)