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  • 280もぐもぐ!
  • 33リスナップ
  • 2013/09/23
  • 1,645


みんなの投稿 (30)
Pan fried Tofu with garlic seaweed butter sauce
Suggested this sauce to go with Apple San's abalone dish,she tried it and in return she suggested it to go with tofu,what a great idea,I love tofu so much!
So healthy,and like yummy😍
Thank you for resnap"しらす丼" .
By the way, I'm sorry thank lately,thank you for teaching me know the recipe of さんまロール"😊
rhkk〜( ›◡ु‹ )コレも美味そー💘
yummy :)

thank you for re-snap :D
All dishes look delicious. Always thank you for a resnap.
Oh! looks like a japanese.
Perfect dish(health & delicious), perfect bowl (JUST MY TYPE!), perfect cloth, perfect light!
What a marvelous photo!!😵
Backs are 奈良漬?
Anyway,I heard this idea that you told before,actually I'd been looking forward to seeing this!
Wow,This 丼 is quite original and sooo splendid!!
I really want to try it too!!!!
Please give me little mention to make your butter😋🙏...if you please....
Looks yummy💕
rick chan から Asahimaru
Thank you and you are welcome,always happy to share what I know,hope you like it!
rick chan から いよこ🍻
Thank you so much,and all the resnaps too!I first made this butter to go with my awabi dish,so good I made again for this tofu don.I mix soft butter with海苔佃煮 and 青のり,and let it set again in the fridge,please try!
rick chan から miyako
Thank you for everything too,I am very jealous you could always cook in beautiful open air!
rick chan から kzsyk
Thank you and you are welcome,I really like what you make,seems like you are an experienced cook!
rick chan から apple
Apple San,這個豆腐跟海苔奶油真的很對味,不消十分鐘已給我幹掉,實在是好提議,以後必定再做!謝謝你,請你也試試!
rick chan から mikachi
The truth is,I wasn't even sure wether I should post this,it just didn't feel very interesting.Now I am flattered,that makes me feel that my effort has been paid off.I am just so glad you like this,I promise I'll work harder to bring something more interesting to everyone!
rick chan から ゆかり
Thanks you,it so nice to hear!Yes,you spotted it,it's 奈良漬,it's my first,and I love it,I just want a taste of 奈良,since a great friend comes from there!!
Ok,this butter,I first had it when a friend bought me some from France,a ready made one,which I love.Then one day I saw this dish from Kao San's pos
rick chan から ゆかり
post,awabi with seaweed butter,and I thought I could try making it myself!Again I'm sorry,I don't have exact measurements,I just add 海苔佃煮,青のりin soften butter,adjust seasoning,then roll up on cling film and chilled in fridge for a day or two for flavour to develop,like a compound butter.When ready,I
rick chan から ゆかり
,I sauté some chopped garlic in oil,add the butter and melt,also add lemon juice and any chili powder too if you like.I have an idea of adding sautéed garlic into the butter at first stage too,may be next time.
And Moraeru say so,I am very happy. In addition , it helps us to present the best ones. I,m like your cooking thank you always resnap.
To: rikk
Oh,really?There is ready made one in france..I didn't know that.
I've been interesting to make seasoning by myself.so it's great idea for me!
Big thanking to you,it's enough explanation!I can try to make soon♪ Wow,I am so glad that you'd 奈良漬 n liked it! What a happy news to me! I feel deep
deep appreciating for you from Nara😄 thanks my friend! You are awesome✨✨
rick chan から ちび隊長
I am very very glad to hear what you think about this,it's a wonderful feeling to know I am doing it right!Thank you so much for resnap too!
rick chan から おりぃ
Thank you so much,and all the renaps too,I am happy so many people like this simple donburi!
rick chan から ゆかり
Yes,ready made one from France,I think it's kind of a delicacy,you know how good are those French butter,I couldn't stop eating!
thank you for re-snap :D
rick chan から coco
Thank you for your comment,I am happy you like my dish!It was my sauce to go with awabi,Apple San suggested it should go with tofu too,It was a great idea!I am also glad that Apple San could explain the direction in Japanese, because mine is very poor.Thank you for resnap!
もぐもぐ! (280)
リスナップ (33)