• お気に入り
  • 189もぐもぐ!
  • 9リスナップ
  • 2013/01/16
  • 1,686


みんなの投稿 (30)
Another nabe!Looking through 笠原將弘さん's book,found this very interesting recipe,an east meets west nabe,thought I'll give a try and it really works!
Ingredients used: beef, tomato, onion,garlic,watercress,shimeji,olive oil.
To: rikk
I respect Mr. Kasahara ;))!!
To: nanako2525 original recipe call for arugula(ルッコラ),but I use the Chinese type of watercress(which is stronger than the western type),and I am surprised that it really work with sukiyaki!Of course you could use春菊 too,but you must try this!
To: yukanakata33 Me too,he is my favourite writer,I have all his book!
To: rikk おぉ〜!そうか。
east meets west...wow, nice to collaborated!!
I guess the watercress makes very good job in this nabe.
To: nanako2525 I have eaten cooked rucola too,really good!
To: raycheal thank you,I am surprised that watercress really tastes well absorbing the sauce here,in fact the best tasting in this dish I think,the olive oil drizzled at the end is a nice touch too!
To: raycheal thanks for resnap too!
To: tomoemoe yes,you are absolutely right,we Chinese have been using watercress in hot pot and it tastes really good cooked!Thank you so much for resnap!
To: koume615 forgive me I can't write Japanese very well.Thank you for following too,your cooking is interesting and looks delicious, beautifully arranged,nice photography and artwork,I almost feel like I am looking at a book or magazine!I enjoy so much and look forward to your next post!
To: koume615 thanks for resnap too!
To: chenchengren 熟悉日本菜的你也應該知這是sukiyaki,這個跟大廚的菜譜做,加了意大利的原素,跟甜甜的醬油味道也很配合,最後灑上點橄欖油,效果也很好!
To: rikk 你即使周末也起得好早😲
To: chenchengren 週末雖然也要工作,其實也可睡遲一點的,但不知怎的,老是一清早便醒來(朋友都說是年紀關係😰),我倒也十分享受在床上聽聽音樂,什麼也不做的時間!
To: rikk 我就是那种常常把别人早睡早起说成是"大概上了年纪吧( ´ ▽ ` )ノ"的损友哈哈!相信我,合是赤裸裸的嫉妒。
To: chenchengren 我也是唯有這樣想,反正"睡至日上三竿"這種事情已經很久沒發生過,也看不出未來會有什麼改變,做人多點清醒的時間也是好的!
To: MangoPudding thank you for all the resnaps!
To: rikk 過去三天裡做的菜都太豐富精彩了,必須resnap!😄
To: rikk
I made it!!!;))
To: yukanakata33 you did?Hope you like it,waiting for the photo!
To: rikk
Yesterday I up loaded;)
To: yukanakata33 sorry I found it!It wasn't in your profile page and not in my feed,and what's more I found out you are no more in my following list but I am sure I have followed you and been seeing your dishes.Sometimes in SD weird things happen,missing comments too.So I'm going to follow you agai
To: yukanakata33 again!
To: rikk
Don't worry bout it, no big deal,
I really happy wiz u & ur dish on SD :D And also ur comment for me.
もぐもぐ! (189)
リスナップ (9)