Good afternoon,レイSan! Thank you for nice comment of my junsai dishes!You remember I like junsai!It's a very cool and elegant summer ingredient,slippery and interesting texture that nothing else like it,no wonder it's a favorite of many chefs! I kept it simple here,blanched okra,deep fried eggplant and fresh yuba,all made special with a dashi and junsai jelly,very good eating this cold in summer!
Thank you for nice comment of my junsai dishes!You remember I like junsai!It's a very cool and elegant summer ingredient,slippery and interesting texture that nothing else like it,no wonder it's a favorite of many chefs!
I kept it simple here,blanched okra,deep fried eggplant and fresh yuba,all made special with a dashi and junsai jelly,very good eating this cold in summer!