Thank you so much!I have seen white chocolate matched with other flowers and I was sure it goes with with sakura too,and it does!!I enjoyed this very much!Hope you have nice sakura sighting this year too!
Thank you Makiko! I have seen white chocolate matched with other flowers,and I was sure it goes well with sakura too,and it does.I had to use two separate recipes,and for the mousse,I added sakura paste,and the slight saltiness makes the overall balance even better,I am happy with this! Not many sakura trees here,so not much of sakura culture here,not even food,our people will flock to your place to enjoy it,please be prepared😁.
Good afternoon,Tomo San! Thank you so much,I love restaurants' composed dishes,this is big compliment,I appreciate it so much! I couldn't resist flower scented food,especially sakura,I grew to appreciate more as time goes,I know white chocolate matches flower perfectly,it turned out real delicious and I am very happy with this one!I added sakura paste in the white chocolate mousse,sakura was a little vague,but the saltiness really makes a lovely balance. Looking at your posts,I have no doubt you could master everything,I'll be absolutely thrilled if you make sakura sweets!
はじめまして! Thank you for your compliments and support too,so glad you like this,I am always happy to share food ideas! Your dishes look amazing and appealing too,I look forward seeing more! Sorry I am not good at writing Japanese,but I will try my best to understand yours!
Hi キラりん,it's my pleasure,thank you always for visiting here too! I also enjoy looking at you beautiful dishes,please keep up the good work,see you around!
I have seen similar combinations,flower scented dessert with white chocolate,so I guess it would work,I didn't have one recipe for this,so I referred to two individual ones.I didn't make sakura an,it was store bought,shiro an with sakura leaves.
I've never think of that combination.
I have seen white chocolate matched with other flowers,and I was sure it goes well with sakura too,and it does.I had to use two separate recipes,and for the mousse,I added sakura paste,and the slight saltiness makes the overall balance even better,I am happy with this!
Not many sakura trees here,so not much of sakura culture here,not even food,our people will flock to your place to enjoy it,please be prepared😁.
Thank you so much,I love restaurants' composed dishes,this is big compliment,I appreciate it so much!
I couldn't resist flower scented food,especially sakura,I grew to appreciate more as time goes,I know white chocolate matches flower perfectly,it turned out real delicious and I am very happy with this one!I added sakura paste in the white chocolate mousse,sakura was a little vague,but the saltiness really makes a lovely balance.
Looking at your posts,I have no doubt you could master everything,I'll be absolutely thrilled if you make sakura sweets!
Thank you for your compliments and support too,so glad you like this,I am always happy to share food ideas!
Your dishes look amazing and appealing too,I look forward seeing more!
Sorry I am not good at writing Japanese,but I will try my best to understand yours!
I also enjoy looking at you beautiful dishes,please keep up the good work,see you around!
Made youkan with sakura an,middle layer is white chocolate mousse.