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  • 2015/06/04
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Zucchini and anchovy bread,inspired by Kazumix San

みんなの投稿 (8)
Taking the idea of Kazumix San's ズッキーニのシュトゥルーデル,using bread dough instead of pie sheet,still very delicious,but must be much more with flaky and buttery pastry!
Thank you Kazumix San,I love this,the combination of zucchini,cheese,oregano and anchovy is best!
Does the bread taste salty because of the anchovy?
Very happy!! (∩´∀`)∩ワーイ🎶
Bread is also delicious😋
I pie dough is nice and easy to more of dough eat because it is hard to cut.
Thank you for the "つくフォト" cool snap! ︎
rick chan から MyRaX
Nope,I mashed them up and mixed with olive oil,then drizzled around,it was just right,I love anchovies anyway...
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you,the bread itself was not perfect,but the combination is super delicious,it could be bread,pie,pizza or even pasta!I love this knive too,'laguiole' brand,I got it in Japan,it looks good,also sharp,but now expensive at all.Kazumix San was using this in her/his post,I have to show mine too!
rick chan から kazumix
Thank you Kazumix San,I have been wanting to make this since I saw yours,it looks so amazingly delicious!I am watching my calories intake these days,that's why I used bread dough,but I am sure pie sheet is best,anyway I love zucchini and anchovies together,I want to make a pizza with them too!Your cooking is very inspiring,I look forward seeing more!
麻紀子 から rick chan
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