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  • 247もぐもぐ!
  • 18リスナップ
  • 2013/08/30
  • 1,226


みんなの投稿 (25)
My favouite combination of ゴヤチャンプルー
At the back deep fried red sweet potato with a peanut sauce,konbu cucumber salad.揚げいも、ピーナツソース、昆布ときゅうりのサラダ.
😄,want to drink 泡盛。
皿もGood! 夏だなー
I love spam and tofu too! Somehow, never have them together. Thank u for such a great idea. I wish i could cook as great as you ;)
rick chan から アズフラ
You are so right,泡盛would be perfect for this!Thank you for the compliment of the plate,やちもんstyle pottery is a favorite of mine!
rick chan から Prae~*
Oh come on,you sure cook as good as me,but thanks anyway!Have to do a little explanation of this if you don't mind,actually chanpulu is the national dish of Okinawa,the name simply means"mix up together"in their language,there are lots of versions,but bitter gourd,tofu and some kind of pork(all very
rick chan から Prae~*
popular ingredients in Okinawa),are amongst the most used for this dish.I love spam very much,I couldn't find a more elegant and nutritious way of serving it until I found out this dish,now it's my favorite way of eating spam,it really works,please try for yourself!
What a surprise!
There is full of やちむん on your table! You've a lot of wonderful やちむん don't you?
Especially blue's one is so beautiful!! In fact,i also want to buy 真喜屋's one!Do you know him? he also nice ceramist of やちむん!And Your cooked Okinawa cuisine are looks so genuine! also perfectly side dish
also perfectly side dishes! I think You are so cool to eat Okinawa local dish with a plates of Okinawa!
Nicely meaning post!!
I often make ゴーヤチャンプル in summer though....
Mine is messier 😥 I prefer yours. Looks beautiful!✨✨✨
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you for all the nice things you said!Okinawa is a place I want go so much,and I've heard so much about the delicious food there.Tried to do my best to make an Okinawa meal here,I am glad you to have your approval, because I have never been there,and still not sure what's the genuine Okinawa fo
rick chan から ゆかり
I have quite a few of yachimun,bought from various places,only not from Okinawa,and I still want to buy more in future!I find it a little hard,the styles and sizes that I like always sold out,they must be popular or too few people making them.The blue one was bought from "J-period" in tokyo,th
rick chan から ゆかり
,they carry some from 真喜屋 too,I really like those as well, especially the cups,the style is more sophisticated compare to these.I think there is "J-period" shop in Osaka too,but I'm sure you know! I also buy them through internet,some from 北窯,but hopefully I'll go to Okinawa soon!Thanks so much for
rick chan から ゆかり
all the resnaps!Have a wonderful weekend!
rick chan から mikachi
Thank you for saying that,I am sure yours is fine,but what I think is,this is meant to be a causal looking dish,and to be eaten casually,we really shouldn't be bother making it too refined,it's the flavour that count,don't you think?I hope to see you soon!
To: rikk
Yes,As you said,Yachimun are not easily available for public,It became popular since few years ago.so It will sell out right away....
So...Please fly to Okinawa!
I'm sure you'll like Okinawa local dishes!! Especially,"ソーキそば"and yummy pork dishes,too!!
Wow,thanks for your great mention of y
yachimun! I didn't know that Osaka's real shop!
I can easily go to Osaka take a just one hour! So I'm sooo delightful now!!
I gotta go there😆🎶Thanks,wink!!!
rick chan から ゆかり
ソーキそば!I have seen this on books many times,I've even seen packaged Okinawa style soba in supermarket, wanted to buy and try making it,but I thought probably wouldn't be closed to the real thing…Anyway this sounds good,I want to eat this if I go,I think Apple San recommended this to me a while ago to
rick chan から ゆかり
too,I am sure she knows where is best!
BTW,"j-period" is a shop that sells various household/kitchen stuffs,all very stylish,but not specialized at Yachimun,I have only seen small amount of the 真喜屋,so they might ran out of it,like you said.Please check before you go.
Also,I always thought you live i
rick chan から ゆかり
in Osaka,now you say you are 1 hr from there,I feel silly now…
To: rikk
Add,I know you like tofu or seaweeds
too,so I'd like you to try these"島豆腐, 海ぶどう in Okinawa!
Surly,apple san are more knowledge about that😊🎶
Yes,I'm living in Nara, Nara is rusty country than Osaka, but there are lots of nature and temples😊and the distance close to Osaka! So I can go there
So I can go there soon!
Thanx rick san🎶 see you😊
rick chan から ゆかり
Of course I know Nara,it has become a popular place for HK people to travel,I heard so much about it but never been,I am so jealous of you,you must get many beautiful nature,I have tremendous love for temples too,been to Kyoto for few times already.I have even bigger reason to go to Nara now!!
I als
rick chan から ゆかり
I also remember Romie San said she lives in Nara too,if I'm right.
Oh,is that also why your brand is "鹿印"?
To: rikk
Thanx rick san😊🙏
Anytime! please coming Nara🎶
Oh,exactly! 鹿印 to symbolize "deer paradise Nara".wow,you so clever! And you are right! Ms.Romie also living in nara,we are neighborhood!
We haven't met yet. But I'd like to meet her when if she released some task! Cuz I'm a biggest fan of Romi
Romie😍💕💕sure,you too!
もぐもぐ! (247)
リスナップ (18)