At the left of the photo are the 話梅,dried plums which are sour sweet and salty,many girls like to eat them straight,but I couldn't stand it...But they impart nice flavor that makes this fatty cut of pork good enough to eat in hot weather.
こんな美味しそうなの見たらお腹へった〜😭 夜にまた見に来ます〜👍🎶🎶 いぇ〜い💕💕 Thanks to your great feast, I'm so hungry I'm going to die😢😁 That's why I wrote Japanese comment.catch you later!
So your Chinese dishes are always savory looks beyond compare!My today's lunch couldn't surpass your super dishes..😔😁thank you Rick San for showing me rare dishes! Since you told about 話梅dishes,I've been waiting for this😆🎶oh! I know this dried plum,we eat it for snack too!but never seen using in sav
savory dishes! But I can imagine it's my fave taste,I definitely try it too! Is it common to make with pork? Is there chicken version too? Love this table setting too💕you unified beautifully blue color by different design plate✨cool looking!!
謝謝你的留言! 最近去過台灣嗎?我也很喜歡這地方!任何用梅做的菜式或飲品我也很喜愛,但像話梅的涼果我就是很少直接吃的。記憶中用話梅做的菜也不多,這是其中的一道,上次跟 Yukari San 談起,她很有興趣,我才試試做。我也可以提供話梅一個有趣的用法,冬天的話,把它放進一小杯暖暖的花彫酒內,特別好渴,很受歡迎的!
Thanks Yukari San,always boosting my confidence,I am weak at Chinese dishes,this is my first trial,and it was easy enough.I realized for this we have to use good quality 話梅,because nowadays many if them has artificial stuff and it will taste strange at the end.Though I couldn't eat it straight,I big
love using plum to make dishes and drinks,and I am hoping to make more plum dishes for the summer,I look forward to yours too.So you have this for snack too,it must be superior stuff from Japan.Actually I think there aren't many dishes that made with dried plum(add in the drunken chicken marinade is
the other one) ,but more using preserved plum(a little like梅干し)instead,and mainly paired with pork,may be chicken too,I still have to find out.Thank you for your compliment on table setting,you have good taste and makes me happy to hear!
Wowww This is very attractive n unknown dish in me!!😍 話梅?I heard for the first time!interested its taste(imaging a little sweet梅干し)! Maybe the fatty pork becomes more tender n tasty.. And the blue pottery with lid,it's sooo beautiful!! What do you have in it?😁✨
Yes,it's summer coming and I'm into plum favor,it certainly does wonder cutting the fatty feel of this dish!話梅 is dry plum,more used as a snack,but unlike most girls,I could get it,it's just too sour for me.But when it comes to cooking with plum,I also big love Japanese ume boshi,I need to make more
dishes with it,and I see you like it too,I will look forward to yours too!Thank you for the compliment,blue ceramic container was love at first sight for me,I had to bring it home,even though I don't know what to put inside...
Thank you for following,and your kind words!It's my pleasure sharing my cooking here,I see you make beautiful dishes too.Excuse me for writing English,my Japanese reading is ok,but writing is poor.
Thanks to your great feast, I'm so hungry I'm going to die😢😁
That's why I wrote Japanese comment.catch you later!
Since you told about 話梅dishes,I've been waiting for this😆🎶oh! I know this dried plum,we eat it for snack too!but never seen using in sav
Love this table setting too💕you unified beautifully blue color by different design plate✨cool looking!!
最近去過台灣嗎?我也很喜歡這地方!任何用梅做的菜式或飲品我也很喜愛,但像話梅的涼果我就是很少直接吃的。記憶中用話梅做的菜也不多,這是其中的一道,上次跟 Yukari San 談起,她很有興趣,我才試試做。我也可以提供話梅一個有趣的用法,冬天的話,把它放進一小杯暖暖的花彫酒內,特別好渴,很受歡迎的!
話梅?I heard for the first time!interested its taste(imaging a little sweet梅干し)!
Maybe the fatty pork becomes more tender n tasty..
And the blue pottery with lid,it's sooo beautiful!!
What do you have in it?😁✨
冬天喝的那種放話梅的酒,聽起來十分好喝! 其實我還沒喝過花雕酒。很想要喝(=^ェ^=)
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