• お気に入り
  • 56もぐもぐ!
  • 2リスナップ
  • 2020/05/20
  • 572

Lunch made by me

みんなの投稿 (45)
Thank you ...its delicious....me gusta mucho esta receta...gracias
nice...im chilean 🇨🇱 but i live in panama 🇵🇦 🍽👨‍🍳
when you can send ne the recipe
Do you have Facebook account? you can see more picture there
facebook no ...i have only wathsapp
I see ... my recipe is with meat and potatoes...eggplant.
wow ...suena bien la verdad se ve muy bueno ese plato felicitaciones chef iona
Ioana Tudorache から Ioana Tudorache
I am not a chef...I cook because I like....and because is relaxing me after a work day
I work as an accountant
wow i cant believe
bur you are a profesional chef jejejej
do you live im romania?
Yes its true ...im an accountant . and I cook only for my family .
I live in Bucharest Romania
wow amazing congratulation romania is a beatifull contry
Yes thank you
do you have wathsap ioana
I don't have Jorge
dont worry its ok
Good morning ...buenos días 🤗
Tengo que preparar para el trabajo
Tú como estás?
good morning wow aqui son las 10 de ma noche y aya ?
estamos a bastantes horas de diferencia
Aquí es 6 de la mañana 😀..si tenemos horas de diferencia
wow si bastante estamos a 8 horas
a que hora entras a trabajar?
Empiezo trabajar en la 7.30 pero necesito tiempo para ir al trabajo
My Spanish language is not so good ...no estoy muy bien para ablar español
está signifa que tu te preparas de sueño
jajjaja esta super bien felicitaciones
Well you have an excellent day in your work and I leave you to prepare you good luck🙏🙏🙏
bless my friend
Thank you Jorge ...the same for you ...happy day and all the best I wish for you 🤗
I am in the office now ..exactly at the time . Happy friday
Ioana Tudorache から Ioana Tudorache
Good night and sweet dreams
good morming my friend how are you
How the work goes.. I hope everything is fine.. Have a happy day with your family
Hello hello .....look who is here 😀
My work is great . I feel good . ehat about you ?
My job is fantastic I am a chef.. And well I cook all day. Panama is a very beautiful country.. The people are very cheerful it is pure Caribbean..
wow..you really are a chef ...congratulations....yes ..I think your people are nice and good ...happy...and con sangre caliente
yes my people are good person ...
and oana uou familia who is ....you have kids ....you study in usa?
I am married...i don't have kids ..i have only my husband
もぐもぐ! (56)
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