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  • 2015/07/14
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Olive oil and lemon ice-cream with peach/オリーブオイルとレモンアイスクリーム

みんなの投稿 (11)
Another ice-cream with an odd ingredient,but why not,many cakes are made with olive oil.
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you Makiko San!
We might not have heard of this much,but I think olive oil ice-cream has been around for a long time in Mediterranean,I have already tried it long time ago.I found this recipe in a Spanish cookbook,and it pairs with peach,It sounds good to me,and it was.The ice-cream only has olive oil and lemon zest in it,no lemon juice,and more zest was sprinkle on when serving.Many cakes in the Mediterranean are made with olive oil instead of butter,so that's not too unusual to find olive oil in ice-cream.It definitely has that kind of Mediterranean vibe!
Hello Tomo San!
I have made olive oil ice-cream,and never heard of olive ice-cream,seems like you have more knowledge in this area!!
Actually olive oil is often being used for making sweet stuffs in the Mediterranean.This ice-cream tastes just like olive oil,really lovely Mediterranean flavour,nice and smooth probably because of the oil too.I love peach too much and try as many ways eating it as possible,while they are still around!
That's nice😆🎶I big welcome all odd things not only foods...Tho I didn't know this related to mediterranean culture,actually olive oil ice cream is hot item for foodies in Japan since last year.(drizzle olive oil to vanilla ice)My buddies let me taste it,i was amazed at unexpected delicious taste.i love it😊
So where did you get this ice cream disher?🙀😻
Rox!! Rox!!I haven't seen like this wooden handle stuff! Very rare... So I guess it must vintage...
Good morning Tomo San!
There is no easier thing than making ice-cream,you get to make it with special flavorings that could not be found in the market,it's cheaper,fun and very rewarding,I encourage you to try! Just get one of those 'leave in the freezer' ice-cream maker,they do the best job at home!
rick chan から ゆかり
Morning friend!
Wow,I did not know that,olive oil drizzled over vanilla ice-cream,the picture of this sends me chills,in good way!Thank for the idea!
Actually this is a tricky one,first of all,it calls for a fruity type of olive oil,also a very fresh aromatic one,because once it's frozen,the flavour fades a little.While I like this ice-cream a lot,mostly because of its uniqueness ,it does not leave a very big impression,not like balsamic ice-cream,I am afraid.
Yep,ice-cream scoop is vintage,but it's sturdy and working,nice aging with the wood handle,just what I was looking for,the best find,so glad you approve it!
Could be..If you emphasize the aroma,you'd try to drizzle it.Olive oil change the sweetness,I think it will work more with cheap vanilla ice cream.(we sprinkle pinch of salt too)You'll see if you compared to simple vanilla ice cream😊anyway thanks for the cool idea! I see,please treasure your vintage scoop✨Thanks!
rick chan から MyRaX
Good morning Tomo San!Of course,I will be looking forward for your creation,please let me know!
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