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  • 2014/05/10
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醉雞翼/drunken chicken wings

みんなの投稿 (16)
I love to make this with whole chicken,but my chopping and plating skill is too terrible to show it here,better stick with chicken wings...
I would like to have seen your special match with whole chicken, must be nice fighting🔪🐓

Please catch movies next time😆
I know drank prawns well as a famous Chinese food, but first time to see it😳

I want to try it with Japanese sake endless caused hang over😁
Lycium chinense is glad for a woman!😊🙏✨
rick chan から Y氏の凡人
I will need to practice more my chopping skill for that,it's embarrassingly poor right now...
And thanks for reminding me the drunken prawn dish,I haven't forgotten prawns could be done in a similar way,I want to try that too!
Please go and try with Japanese wine too,sake or 焼酎 are perfect,if you wo
rick chan から Y氏の凡人
worry about hangover,you could use梅酒instead,but that would be too mild for your liking I guess😁!
rick chan から 太田 Tommy
It is exactly,it's healthy food for the ladies!But I did not use a lot here,and there was not a lot of flavor,mainly for decoration.Next time I will use more for drunken ebi!
Thank you so much for your comment and resnap,Tommy San!
かっこいい〜‼ I really like everything about this post! Even if you use chicken stick,Your dishes looked so authentic to me✨✨In Japan,I also haven't seen drunken chicken besides prawn.It's very appealing dishes!
👀👀??What is green's stuff? It's seem rare for me.
Also I don't know what kind of Shaoxing win
i should use for cooking yet..Yours is old one? If you wouldn't mind, please teach me🙇
rick chan から ゆかり
Yukari San,thanks for the compliment!It's one of my best loved Shanghainese appetizier!If it's chicken wings,I have trouble stop eating,and it's best eating by hands.It's quite simple,poach the wings,and steep in a liquid that made up from 花彫酒,salt,chicken stock,overnight.As for the 花彫(same as shoax
shoaxing),there's no need to use aged ones,this brand called 塔牌 is good enough,only cost me about ¥350.Let me know if you need the full recipe.The green stuff is called 龍鬚菜,only newly introduce to HK,i like it eaten cold,just add salt and sesame oil,kind of like ナムル,I also like how the frizzy stems
look,so I used it as garnish(just experimenting,you probably haven't seen this anywhere...)
There is another variety of this,by adding dried plums(話梅,very sour!)in the steeping liquid,it will give it a fruity refreshing taste.
But I am glad Mr Y 氏 mentioned drunken prawns,I have never made it and I
want to try too!
ゆかり から rick chan
Oh,I see from your mention,plus searched it.龍髭菜's seeds is called ハヤトウリ in Japan. I ate pickles made from ハヤトウリ. however I haven't eaten stem so far..also i didn't know that as edible stuff. Also 話梅,I'll search right now!Thanks rick san,I learned something really good☺
Oh,I wish to see your drunken
prawn💕It probably remind me my childhood😌
rick chan から ゆかり
I checked ハヤトウリ too,and it's mainly the squash looking thing,and I also checked 龍鬚菜,it's mainly the stems,but I see the squash thing in those pics too,they must come from the same plant!I could recognize this squash thing a little,it's called 佛手瓜 over here,but I haven't worked with it much,must be d
delicious pickled!About 話梅,many girls like to eat it straight,but it's too sour for me,I will make dishes with them!
Also I forgot to mention,I big love a drunken pigeon dish,marinade with 玫瑰露,I will make this too!And drunken prawns..,I hope I could do all these...
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リスナップ (25)