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  • 42リスナップ
  • 2013/10/04
  • 1,998

和風フィッシュパイ/Japanese style fish pie

みんなの投稿 (30)
Had some leftover mentaiko,and the idea of combining two of my favourite countries came up.
What's in it: salmon,halibut,scallop,prawn,
mentaiko,shimeji, hard boiled egg,leek,white sauce,mash potato,nori/サケ、ヒラメ、ホタテ、エビ、明太子、しめじ、ゆで卵、ネギ、ホワイトソース,マッシュポテト、靑のり
What a beautiful dish✨Wonderful😍
はじめまして、初コメです! 😊 青海波の模様でJapanese style、オシャレですね♥ 模様つけに使ったのはフォークですか?真似してみたいです♪
you've done the wonderful works as usual BRAVO🎉
so,I'll coming back to talk with.
Thank you for many resnaps!!
I'm happy 😊🙏
"青海波" SEI GAI HA…
it's so wonderful✨✨
This pattern, I look like the sense of Japan!
It is a lot of seafood.
There're lots of delicious soup♡
Wow! What a beatiful dish!
I like the marking! It seems like fish scales!
You have Japanese heart&soul:)
Thank you for resnapping a lot!
rick chan から 🌈Ami🍻
Thank you,first time I made this,I am happy it turned out great,thanks so much for the compliment and resnap!
rick chan から hoppycow
Nice to meet you,and thank you for your compliment!Want to have some fun and make this more Japanese,you are right,青海波 pattern was drawn by fork,but not neat enough…
rick chan から romie
Hello Romie San,you are welcome!And thank you for all the resnaps too!
This idea just came to me suddenly and I have too much fun with it!I am so happy you like this,I appreciate you spending your time here!!
Thank you,and resnap too!I am very happy to hear from you!
rick chan から ともきーた (伊藤 智子)
You are welcome!Thanks so much,and resnap too!Initially just an idea to do a Japanese style fish pie,but decided to have some fun with it,pick a 青海波 pattern from a Japanese patterns reference book,which I use for my ceramic making.Some say it looks like fish scales as well,and I think so too!
rick chan から のっちゃん
Trying to make this more Japanese drawing a traditional Japanese pattern on it,I enjoyed eating this too,sauce was extroverted good with mentaiko in it,I love all the seafood!Thank you for resnaps!
rick chan から シロー
Thank you,and resnap too.I try to do 江戶小紋,青海波,I it's not neat enough,I hope it looks like it…want to make this more Japanese style.
Yes,trying to do a 青海波小紋,I had fun making and eating this!Thank you for your compliment and resnap!
rick chan から marimari
Good morning Mari San!
That's very interesting,I remember reading something about this event,but only vaguely,I will find out more about this festival,because I love photography,and this is good opportunity for me,it must be beautiful!Thank you for letting me know,and resnap too!
beutiful pattern!
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you very much for the compliment and resnap,trying to make it more interesting with an edo komon!
Everytime,I look ,dishes of your great.
rick chan から kzsyk
Thank you for your resnap too!And everytime you make make very happy!
What a artistic you are!!!
In fact, I saw this pics in last night,
I was really touched!!
You draw pattern inspired from Japanese trad design! What put such an idea into your head? 😳It's soooo coool!! I feel little bit shame that cut n divide...I want to look all the time🎶
Without question,This is o
This is one and only fish pie in the world! Big deal!!
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you,makes me happy hearing this!I thought the idea of making a Japanese style fish pie using Japanese ingredients such as mentaiko is more clever than the pattern itself,but everybody seems to like the pattern more.Have to say all these are very original and I haven't seen it anywhere,the thou
rick chan から ゆかり
just came to my mind,but when it came to decoration,I initially thought of wave pattern in zen garden,but it's quite difficult,so I did 青海波instead,which rightly represents the Japanese sea.I know some 江戶小紋,since I need them for ceramic making.I had too much fun with this!
What an artisan !!
You can accomplish the 枯山水 style!! You have much more わびさびthan us!!
rick chan から Y氏の凡人
Thank you,Mr. Y氏,and all the resnaps too!Just always been interested in Japanese culture,and I was thinking what represents the sea most,since this is a fish pie,I really thought of of the 枯山水庭園 at 竜安寺,but that was too difficult and wouldn't be respectful too,so I went for this,I had fun!
It's too pretty
rick chan から Anne Wong
Thanks?I couldn't help myself from having some fun with it…
rick chan から Anne Wong
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