Went to Taipei for a few days,finally tried this recommended by Apple San.Hidden in an alley,but it was as good as expected, full of green onion and pepper flavour which I am so addicted.Thank you Apple San,great recommendation!
W😍w,Thank you for this upload! I'd been looking forward to see it. Because you made it before looked tasty!! So I wanted to see genuine one! yeah,it really turns me on!(But when i look at this photo i realized clearly, You'd done very well 胡椒餅 at that time.great!) So I like mood of the alleys too🎶
I think in the Taiwan there are good foods in abundance.(cause Apple san's Taiwanese dinner always looks good!) but I being most interesting 胡椒餅! Seems your return was a little hard, but sounds like you had great trip😊
Just a little from peppercorn,I am not good with spicy food,but I still could eat this. I'm sorry,I think it's a little difficult in Tokyo, but it's worth traveling to Taipei for this!
It's been a year! My workplace was undergoing renovation,I had a few days,so I went somewhere near. I love Taipei and I think I still have much more to explore. I didn't plan very well this time,maybe I have to ask for some recommendations from you next time!
Thanks Yukari San,many unexpected things happened this time,but I still love Taipei,and next time I will ask for more recommendations from Apple San. Yes,good mood situated in an alley,but I missed it at first!I found out the authentic 胡椒餅 has a bread crust,rather than the pastry crust that I made,
I think this was what Apple San trying to tell me.My friends who are more used to HK style soft breads, thinks its too tough,but I have no problem with it!Love the pork filling with full of peppercorn and ねぎ flavour too!I will definitely try to make this again,the way it should be! Great time in Tai
I am sorry,I miss your messege…This is my favorite street food from Taipei,so delicious,great recommendation from Apple San!Thank you for resnap too,always!
公司裝修,只有數天,便選了台北,今次吃的還不錯,下次還要向Apple San 請教。原來是福州人,也難怪對這小吃很懷念。這個Apple San 介紹的實在不錯,比很多漢堡還好吃,香濃的胡椒味,香蔥也放得特別多,皮有些像麵包的,有點兒硬,吃慣港式鬆軟麵包的朋友,對它有些意見,但我自己是吃慣歐陸式麵包的,倒很喜歡,這次很高興能嚐到正宗的胡椒餅!其實台灣還有很多福州美食,有Apple San 引路的話,必定大飽口福!
I'd been looking forward to see it.
Because you made it before looked tasty!!
So I wanted to see genuine one!
yeah,it really turns me on!(But when i look at this photo i realized clearly,
You'd done very well 胡椒餅 at that time.great!)
So I like mood of the alleys too🎶
but I being most interesting 胡椒餅! Seems your return was a little hard, but sounds like you had great trip😊
Yes,good mood situated in an alley,but I missed it at first!I found out the authentic 胡椒餅 has a bread crust,rather than the pastry crust that I made,
Great time in Tai
Thank you for all the resnaps!
胡椒餅,seems to delicious than McD's hamburger. Nice phot
中式汉堡♪( ´θ`)ノ