• お気に入り
  • 10もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2015/09/07
  • 223

Pumpkin brown rice congee, teriyaki eryngii mushrooms, poached egg, nori & yuzu kosho

みんなの投稿 (6)
Is pumpkin congee popular there?
I've cooked sweet potato congee but diced potatoes are in it and not melted.
I love your combination!
Isn't there a Chinese name for Eringi mushrooms?
coxiella24 から Yayowe
Pumpkin congee not very common, sweet potato congee is! Especially for the Teochew dialect where they eat it with a variety of dishes. Eryngii mushrooms is also known as King Oyster mushroom or 杏鲍菇
Yayowe から coxiella24
Ah, as tastes like 鮑? That's how Eringi became popular here. They presented the taste as 鮑 to make it popular.
The Teochew congee is cooked in water and not broth?
coxiella24 から Yayowe
The texture is supposed to be like 鲍. But I think it taste nicer than 鲍. Yes Teochew is cooked in water not broth
Yayowe から coxiella24
Teochew congee is just my type! Nice👍.
As for congee, there was a popular congee and 腸粉 restaurant at Kiliney Rd., isn't it? Unfortunately I hadn't know it's good reputation until I came back to Japan.
もぐもぐ! (10)