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  • 2015/03/14
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Steamed chicken,edamame and okara paste

みんなの投稿 (36)
Taken the idea of a vegetarian Chinese dish call 雪菜毛豆百頁,making it into paste and served along side of steamed chicken.
Sounds very healthy:)
Love these plates! Antique?
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you for the compliments,always means a lot to me.The original dish uses 百頁,which is a soy product,I replace it with okara,along with 高菜 and the edamame,it has some lovely flavours going on here,and works well with the chicken too!
rick chan から hannah
Healthy enough,really quite a light dish,but with big flavours!Plates are in fact not antiques,but made to look a bit aged,just what I like,so glad you like them too!
rick chan から hannah
Healthy enough,really quite a light dish,but with big flavours!Plates are in fact not antiques,but made to look a bit aged,just what I like,so glad you like them too!
你好! 這道菜看起來很幽默! 上面是葷菜,下面是素食! 這樣的外觀是你的創意嗎?
托你的福,我又認識到新的中式素食。雪菜毛豆百頁! 我以前在大陸吃過炒毛豆,雖然簡單可是竟然蠻好吃的! 日本基本上沒有炒毛豆的習慣,所以覺得十分新鮮。
rick chan から まちまちこ
謝謝你詳細地解釋! 這道菜一看就顯得奶油上放蛋糕捲了!😁


好,百頁是用おから代替的! 可是我下次去中菜食品店的時候找一找吧。
我最近去了一家店,名字叫AKOMEYA,原來是 peachさん介紹給我的店。初次去以後喜歡上了,而且這家店在おいしい山形プラザ的附近,所以也想介紹給你。請看看我最新的照片吧。遲些再會更詳細地解釋。
rick chan から まちまちこ
無論是Peach San 的料理或是用的器具,部落都顯得特別有品味,她介紹的地方,實在錯不了。我剛看Akomeya 的網頁,真的很期待親身到哪裏看看。可惜今計劃有變,決定暫時不去東京了,改到沖繩,跟着是大阪和京都。東京可能是下一次,在六月才去吧。到時一定會這兩個好地方見識見識的!
Hi Rick

This is very beautiful.😊
枝豆&Okara paste.
Light dish 😍 Sounds good to me.
I likes vege also tofu and okara.
rick chan から まちまちこ
對不起, 沒有'部落'二字的,不知怎的加了上去...
まちまちこ から rick chan
你準備去沖繩?! 哇~太羨慕你! 我從來沒去過沖繩。那裏的飯菜十分特別,你也肯定滿意吧!
你六月又來日本? 六月的話可以吃到山形縣的好吃的櫻桃“佐藤錦”哦!
你以前提過小嶋亜創さん的展示會,可是我怎麼查也沒能找到展示會的信息。😥 你怎麼知道這個展示會的信息?
rick chan から ☆Yumi☆
Thank you so much,very kind of you to leave me message!The idea came from a very delicious Shanghainese dish,it's spring and I want to make more green dishes,okara and edamame is good match!
rick chan から まちまちこ
小鳩さん的展覽會資訊了也難找的,一直都是Yukari 替我留意著,這是今次的資料。
まちまちこ から rick chan
謝謝! 我找到展示會的信息了! 原來是在京都開的,我以為在東京開呢😅 因為我以為你打算去東京的理由是這個展覽會呢。

まちまちこ から rick chan
You actual did upload shanghainese vegetarian cuisine already!? Oh...sorry...I should have check your post..This is good example dish to me.as you said,this is looks good! Also You turned out more sophisticated dishes added chicken. Thank you for showing me this😊🙏Btw,Thank you for buying me 山楂餅.I th
I thought it was candy and I eaten one piece as it is🙊💦Not too bad,It was sweet n tangy..But after that,I found out the recipe that used this for 酢豚. Also I remember Ivy and Rosanna taught me that 山楂 is work well with 酢豚. So I'll try to make 酢豚 with it😊If you have any idea,please teach me 😊🙏
rick chan から まちまちこ
對啊,我和Yukari 也一直想到他的工作室參觀,順帶到那一帶看看,聽說地方不錯的!謝謝,你太客氣了,路途遙遠,寄到來可能狀態沒那麼好,還是到日本才吃過夠吧,一切隨緣好了!
rick chan から ゆかり
I did post a 雪菜毛豆百葉 from long time ago,but please no need to look for it,I remember the photo wasn't good,you probably wouldn't get anything from it.It's not a good looking dish and most people won't understand it,so I think I won't be doing again,but if you want to see,there are probably lots of go
good photos from the internet!About 山楂餅,you are right,my earliest memory of these were treated as candy(sometime to go with Chinese herb medicine,to cut bitterness).But as those foodies say,proper 生炒排骨is made with 山楂,if you couldn't find much detail about it,I will help out,just give me some time.By
ゆかり から rick chan
Since I thought you've some good idea besides 生炒排骨,I just mentioned about 山楂. It's alright,I can search it by myself😊
Sorry for bothering you.Thank you!
What do you mean?May be I didn't explain enough,sorry.
生炒排骨,咕嚕肉 are similar Cantonese dishes,and I think the Japanese 酢豚 originates from them.Traditional people insist the sour and sweetness must come from the natural 山楂,not ketchup and vinegar and sugar which today many Cantonese use.That's why I s
rick chan から ゆかり
suggest you could try these sweet and sour dishes with 山楂,since you are always a perfectionist.I am just not able to look for the recipe yet,I probably have it in one of those books I have,it's too many to look...but I'll am free tomorrow,give me a day!
Also apart from this dish,I haven't come acros
across anything else that use 山楂,may be in a drink called 酸梅湯,but I am not sure.
But this one uses the dried berry,not 山楂餅....
ゆかり から rick chan
I mean,I'm not familiar with 山楂餅,when you passed me it,I remember you told me you teach me how to use.I thought I'd better to wait your advice than make own.
Thank you, but I'm totally OK,I don't need your help anymore.I already searched,i got same result that there are not many dishes that used it.
I decided what I use it for. thanks,see ya!
rick chan から ゆかり
Sorry dear,I only found one book that has 生炒排骨 recipe that uses 山楂餅,but I think the measurements are not accurate,so I just give you the ingredients,it's just for your reference,I know you could work it out.This one also has ketchup,but not much....
Rice vinegar,ketchup,brown sugar,stock,potato star
potato starch,salt,soy sauce,山楂餅(chopped),strawberry jam.
ゆかり から rick chan
It's alright! I have recipe that my friend sent me that translated one.
I'm sorry I have given you trouble.I will use your mention for reference. Thank you.
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