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  • 2014/02/01
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Romie San's fresh yuba and salmon roll

みんなの投稿 (22)
I love Kyoto and I was very grateful that Romie San did a special post for me,including some beautiful photos of the city and some of it's dishes.Hong Kong has been warmer for the past few days,and I guessed it was time to try out this cold dish.
Romie San,I never thought smoke salmon and
yuba go so well together,and you were right,not only it is delicious,also super quick to make,thank you so much,you are always an inspiration to me!
wow :)
This looks so beautiful!!😋😋 And thanks for the resnap!
Rick saaaan!
Whoopee!!What an incredible post to me!😭✨✨✨
I'm sooo glad you're remembering perfectly well that post for you😆
Plus you made it quite gorgeous n beautiful much more,bravo!!!
It's just like a flower in the 石庭,and the olive oil(right?),it's reminiscent of the stone pavemen of Kyoto!!😍
I g
I guess you dripped oil imaginating something nice..😊
Caper seems like a bud n seed of flower,I love caper with salmon♪♪
It's always amaging you got Japanese ingredients there in HK😃👍It's nice!So it has become warmer little by little too inJP,I'm happy to able to feel spring from your post🌷Viva the
🌷Viva the quickin' dish😁👍💕
Thank you sooo much,you always give me special imagimation n inspiration too🙏😆✨✨
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you so much Makiko San,but the credit goes to Romie San,it was her idea!I always like this type of 和洋料理 and the smoke salmon and yuba combination was surprisingly good for me,I will surely make this again!
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you for resnap too!
Hi Reachon San,thank you for your comment and all the resnap,I appreciate it!
But the credits go to Romie San!
If you know Romie San,I am sure you know she is never short of exciting ideas,this is her signature style,delicious,looks great and easy to prepare too,I am a big fan of hers!I made a 豆乳ごま
だれto go with this roll,the yuba and smoke salmon go so well together,I highly recommend this to you!
rick chan から miyako
Thank you,for resnap too!
rick chan から romie
Thank you Romie San,and all those resnaps too!
Your Kyoto post meant a great deal to me,of course I remember,I just had to wait a bit for warmer weather to try that!
Frankly,it wasn't my intention to make olive oil look like pebble stone,I'm not that clever yet,but thanks to your good imagination,I
I really could relate this to all those beautiful stone gardens in Kyoto,so happy that I created something nice without realizing it!I was also being careless,I thought your green thing on top of the roll was caper,but I had a closer look and I found out it was wasabi instead,but nevermind,I could t
tell you that capers work in this dish perfectly.I also wasn't sure what kind of sauce you used,so I thought 豆乳ごまだれ should go well with the roll,and it did!I love fresh yuba,It's a shame those found in HK can never compared to the one in Kyoto,but at least I could recreate your idea,right?Next time
I'm in Kyoto,I'll eat as much as I could!
Thank so much again for the most memorable post,and this is a dish I will eat and serve very often from now!
Nice to meet you.
With dried bean curds such; can cook.
Look delicious.
Thanks,really great idea from Romie San!
rick chan から Misuzu(@misumisu0722 )
Nice to meet you !Original recipe from Romie San used 汲み上げ湯葉,my fresh yuba is not as good,but still delicious with salmon.Thank you for the comment!
Nice to meet you.
Thank you for resnap.Your dish looks very delicious.
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