• お気に入り
  • 45もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2012/07/27
  • 275


みんなの投稿 (9)
ガス使うのも暑いもんねー(*^^*) レンジでチン🎶でいいと思うねん💗
To: JaohOhlunlaa
Good evening.😊
I steam a cuttlefish with liquor and eat with juice pressed from a bitter orange mayonnaise.
Because it was hot, I cooked it with a microwave oven.
I live in Osaka, Japan, but the Japanese seems to fall intense heat of the day after day.😲💦
To: stava Good evening. 😊
I live in Bangkok during the rainy season. Your body soaked with sweat. My body was soaked with rain.😁😁😁
To: JaohOhlunlaa
It is dry now.☀☀☀☀☀
Therefore I play all parasol while skin is burnt.🌂👒☀
Is rainy much Bangkok hot and humid?☔
To: stava yes☔☀
綺麗にぷっくらしてますね (●′艸'●)
To: mikisawa
もぐもぐ! (45)