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  • 2014/02/27
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Doughnut dumplings with honey and rose syrup,ricotta cheese

みんなの投稿 (17)
Probably my first deep fried dessert.
A dish that's looking a bit "girly" there, haha.
Beautiful nonetheless.
Yaaaaay✨i feel biggest happy! You remembered promised rose dessert! I have been expecting you make something cold dessert with rose syrup,but it's fine surprise for me! Thank you so much for showing us fabulous idea.mmm..💕what a beautiful vernal color combination! Pale pink and green,just spring! I
I loooove all of doughnut! I thought it rustic snack all the time,However through your hands it become gorgeous plate dessert😍✨I'm sure your sense bring to such tasteful result.Also your fried dough looks fluffy,n so tasty! It must be super good taste with rose aroma🌹✨
I should get rose syrup right
I should get rose syrup right now🏃🏃💨💨💨
Thank you!It's time for some colours!
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you for your compliment!Can't wait for more colourful now after the long winter!
I haver never made doughnut,and I think this is just similar,this dumpling is more light,fluffy and airy,I like it very much!
rick chan から Funky Chef
Thanks so much!I admit sometimes I like girly stuffs,especially food with flower fragrance,I can't explain why,but be prepared for more!And in case you are wondering,I'm still into women,and women only...😊
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you Yukari San,big happy you like this,actually I accidentally came across this and found it interesting,so I tried!Although it's called doughnut,I don't think it's exactly the same dough,this is more airy,fluffy.The batter is quite runny,and hard to control,it runs everywhere in the oil and b
burns easily,so I had to do one by one,luckily flavour is great,and everything match really well,I enjoyed this a lot!I know it's strange for a guy to like flower food,but I can't help,I'll probably a cold rose dessert next time,I also want to do 桂花dessert too!
Please grab some rose syrup too,of even make your own!J want to see you rose dessert too!
Thank you リーチ San,you comment makes me happy!It has been cold here too,I though we all need something fresh and colourful to welcome spring!
Although is called doughnuts,but this is more airy and fluffy,it has a nice texture to eat.And the cheese honey and nuts combination is always a favorite of mi
mine,and even better with rose.Yes,I love to eat flower food!Thanks for resnap too!
Haha,no way! i don't think you are strange at all.Just you've heightened sensitivity than other.the artistic man loves flowers from ancient times.
I know some boyfriends who loves flowers,all of them are creators.and they works a good job everyday.You too😊 I'm glad that you like eat flowers,because
i want to see your flower dessert more n more!
Thanks,good night🙈💤💤
yummy :)

Thank you for re-snap :D
もぐもぐ! (325)
リスナップ (33)