• お気に入り
  • 53もぐもぐ!
  • 2リスナップ
  • 2012/10/29
  • 1,050


みんなの投稿 (20)
A light chicken,sweet potato and vegetable stew.
To: rachelxuan 我是香港人啊!
To: rachelxuan 這個是雞肉,甜薯,根菜的煮物,傳統是沒有甜薯的,季節關係,攪攪新意思。
To: rikk 我看你英文也好日文也好,好厉害🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍
To: rachelxuan 謝謝,誇獎了,英文還可以,從小便學,日文只學過短時間,大多忙記了,只剩下食物的名字,喜好關係...
To: rikk 哈哈,还好你会中文,不然我都不能和你交流了。这个软件上的人大多数是日本人,我只能和你交流,可怜。😭😭😭
Looks delicious!
Beautiful color(*≧m≦*)
To: rachelxuan 哈哈,那對我來說太好了...其實我也很後悔沒有好好學好日文,我也很難跟他們溝通呢.
To: ayucchi0602 thank you,so happy you like it!I enjoy looking at yours too!
To: dodyu thank you ,sir!
To: rikk I've never seen such a beautiful cuisine.
To: dodyu thank you,it's a very traditional dish,I can't take all the credits...
This is a beautiful dish, LOVE it 👍✌
Oh Rick!!!
This is Fab!!!
I ❤❤❤❤ Sweet Potatoes!
Gorgeous dish!
To: MangoPudding thank you,lots of cutting and a little tricky to get all the vegetables done at the same time,but really worths the effort.Thanks for resnapping too!
To: Trivia36 thank you Trivia,it's an old fashion dish usually done without sweet potatoes,I thought I give it a little twist and it works really well!
できない..!!?You are one of the best cook I meet here,I am so convinced you can handle this,even better than me!Anyway,thank you for your compliment,as always!
もぐもぐ! (53)
リスナップ (2)