I love kamquat,and I am attracted by everything made from it,Machiko's kamquat upside cake caught my eyes,and from her I found out this actually one of Kazumix San's,I almost forgot this one from last year,it's been a while...I was even more motivated now to make this,I am a huge fan of both Machiko and Kazumix San! Hi Kazumix San,it's been long time you posted,I miss you a lot here! Anyway I almost forgot you made such wonderful cake last year,thanks to Machiko's reminding,I have to make this happen,I totally enjoy this upside down cake,it's an awesome idea! I know you are busy,if so,don't mind about replying,just want to say I appreciate your many good efforts here ! Hi Machiko!這次出來表面焦化不多,跟你做的觀感上有不同,也有其吸引之處! 謝謝你,因你的介紹,我做了好東西吃,我也可順帶向Kazumix San 致敬一下,我是她的粉絲啊!
リックさーん!お久しぶりでーす🙋 Thank you “食べ友”🎶and the message was also very happy😆 Now it's sometimes cooking so not much, but I am glad that you remembered me😭 Rick's cinnamon cake is wonderful than mine! The kumquat cake is wonderful than mine. I always admire watching snaps. Sometimes I will return to snap dish so please watch it when you notice it👋
Hi Kazumix San,thank you for coming here,I so appreciate writing me a message!Of course I could not forget you,you made so many memorable food here,and you are so kind to me too! Your idea is awesome ,I love kamquats so much,I just have to make a upside down cake from them,I really enjoyed it! Thank you for the compliments,but I am still learning about baking,I don't think I could make anything more wonderful than Kazumix San! I know you must be busy lately,but please make us more good when you are ready,I always look forward seeing your creations!!
Thank you so much,that's very kind of you!Please always write Japanese,I will try my best to understand,I know a little,translation app could help too!You are welcome,I appreciate you always visit my page too. I enjoy cooking a lot,I am trying my best,many things I could learn at SD!Please continue to make good food,I would love to see them!
Hi Kazumix San,it's been long time you posted,I miss you a lot here!
Anyway I almost forgot you made such wonderful cake last year,thanks to Machiko's reminding,I have to make this happen,I totally enjoy this upside down cake,it's an awesome idea!
I know you are busy,if so,don't mind about replying,just want to say I appreciate your many good efforts here !
Hi Machiko!這次出來表面焦化不多,跟你做的觀感上有不同,也有其吸引之處!
謝謝你,因你的介紹,我做了好東西吃,我也可順帶向Kazumix San 致敬一下,我是她的粉絲啊!
你說你是kazumix san和我的huge fan! 我感激得不得了😭 因為你和kazumix san都是我的目標! 真謝謝你!
看見Kazumix San 的用開心果仁做裝飾,覺得特別漂亮,所以跟着做了,我也趁還有牙齒的時候,吃多些果仁,說不著不久之後想吃也不能吃了⋯⋯到時別人送我沒果仁的蛋糕時,我會特別感激那份細心的!
太客氣了,近來Machiko 的post 也很精彩,每每也有我想做的東西,再次謝謝你的好介紹啊!
哈哈,你這麼早就想像沒牙齒了的時候啊!? 好好刷牙,偶爾去牙科就可以保持自己的牙齒吧,這方面我會努力的💪
謝謝! 其實沒想到我SD繼續到這麼久⋯😅 真是堅持就是力量!
Machiko 不用擔心吧,還很年輕!
Thank you “食べ友”🎶and the message was also very happy😆
Now it's sometimes cooking so not much, but I am glad that you remembered me😭
Rick's cinnamon cake is wonderful than mine!
The kumquat cake is wonderful than mine. I always admire watching snaps.
Sometimes I will return to snap dish so please watch it when you notice it👋
我很久以前在SD裡聽說過摻和紅豆沙的crème d'amande 蠻好吃,就覺得興致勃勃但一直沒試過,這次發現你那個金柑撻也是紅豆沙和crème d'amande 的組合,我又很想試試了😆
我說的孤獨的美食家不是那個意思,在日本這部電視劇的播放時間很晚,所以我想在香港也一樣,就想像你看著孤獨的美食家直到很晚的😅 原來是看音樂節目! 現在日本的音樂不怎麼火了,大家不看音樂節目,大概各個人上網看著自己喜歡的視頻的吧。
Your idea is awesome ,I love kamquats so much,I just have to make a upside down cake from them,I really enjoyed it!
Thank you for the compliments,but I am still learning about baking,I don't think I could make anything more wonderful than Kazumix San!
I know you must be busy lately,but please make us more good when you are ready,I always look forward seeing your creations!!
你認識深宵食堂呀,紅白歌合戰呀,演歌呀 ,關於日本無所不通的! 可能比我還熟悉吧(゜o゜; 哪裡哪裡,我對現在日本的音樂沒有什麼感情,你怎麼說我無所謂,大概你說的很正確…
我想問你一下,你不但很會做菜也會做甜點,從來跟別人學過做甜點嗎? 還是一直自學的?
是嗎,你基本上是自學的。皮毛? 你總是太謙虛吧! SD朋友們都佩服著你做的東西喲!👍
I enjoy cooking a lot,I am trying my best,many things I could learn at SD!Please continue to make good food,I would love to see them!