Our pickled vegetable not only good with pork,also delicious with fish.I once had it with cod(銀たら) in a upscale Chinese restaurant and it was very memorable.Here I used fresh grouper.
Good afternoon Lara,thank you for your comment! I actually love fishes a lot,there are endless recipes I want to make!You are at the best place for seafood,I sometime consider moving to Japan only for this reason! This pickled vegetable is called 梅菜,I would say it a little like 榨菜,texture wise,but more leafy,and much sweeter,mainly paired with pork,but sometime with fish too. The 梅菜 is steamed on the fish,soy sauce dressing is drizzled on after steamed.This soy sauce dressing is made up of soy sauce,rice wine,sugar,root of coriander,and the juice came out from the steam fish.Our Cantonese steamed fish cuisine is sometimes this simple,but rely on good ingredients to make it work!
Good morning rick! Thank you so much for the information.Furthermore I looked 梅菜 on the internet.Chinese cuisine materials are interesting to me too.In the future too,please let me know about Chinese cuisine! I thought I wanted to cook this dish with a substitute for 梅菜.But it hard to find that in Japanses materials.I like this method of cooking fish and sauce.I'll try to make fish dishes this way! Thank you rick!! I'm always looking forward to your new post,especially your fish dishes!! Have a wonderful day😊
Good evening Lara!Its my pleasure!Believe it or not,I am actually weak at making Chinese dishes,there are so many good and inexpensive restaurants here,so I never care to make Chinese food,but I am trying the simple ones,of course I will show you some of my more successful dishes!It's hard to find 梅菜 or any substitute in Japan,but if you want to try,I could send some over,easy job for me,I just send some to another SD user,so let me know! I love fish too,especially the ones with less bones,I will try and do more here,but right now it's 禁漁period in HK,so I don't expect to have many good fishes,may be have to wait till August... Thank you again,have a great evening!
Hi rick! Thank you so much for your kind offer.I'd like to ask you for that,if it really will not be inconvenient to you. It seems 梅菜 is a dry-food.How long can we preserve it?Does it have a season? ...You know I have gotten used to life in my new area,also be really enjoying that,right?But then I have got something on my mind everyday since then.Please don't worry!I belive everything is going to be all right.So could you wait for me a little longer? To tell you the truth,I am worried I probably made you feel uncomfortable.I might have the my reply hasn't sent to you yet.I can't send some message or replying sooner just like in Japanses them. I am grateful for your generosity and having such a wonderful friend! Thank you again,rick. sweet dreams...💫
Hi Lara,sorry for the late reply. So glad you accept my offer,not inconvenient at all,and 梅菜 is dried preserved vegetable,so store it in dry place or refrigerator,it could keep for long time.I don't think there is a season for it,we could buy it and eat it all year round.So please contact me with 'line',if you don't mine,I need your address,my user name is 'rikkchan'. No worries,not uncomfortable at all,thank you for trusting me,I really hope you could adopt new life,I could tell you already had a great start,so please keep working at it! Let's talk again soon!
梅菜最普遍是配豬肉的,但配魚類也有的,有一道很古老的廣東菜式叫'梅菜蒸鯇魚',便是類似的做法,但鯇魚是淡水魚,不是我所好,所以便轉換了海魚,效果十分不錯!我也在餐館裏吃過梅菜蒸銀鱈魚,十分美味!梅菜是有點甜的,所的這個醬油汁不需下太多糖,成品又甜又鹹的,配合得很好!Machiko 有興趣試的話,我可以寄些梅菜給你,輕而易舉的事啊!
I actually love fishes a lot,there are endless recipes I want to make!You are at the best place for seafood,I sometime consider moving to Japan only for this reason!
This pickled vegetable is called 梅菜,I would say it a little like 榨菜,texture wise,but more leafy,and much sweeter,mainly paired with pork,but sometime with fish too.
The 梅菜 is steamed on the fish,soy sauce dressing is drizzled on after steamed.This soy sauce dressing is made up of soy sauce,rice wine,sugar,root of coriander,and the juice came out from the steam fish.Our Cantonese steamed fish cuisine is sometimes this simple,but rely on good ingredients to make it work!
Thank you so much for the information.Furthermore I looked 梅菜 on the internet.Chinese cuisine materials are interesting to me too.In the future too,please let me know about Chinese cuisine! I thought I wanted to cook this dish with a substitute for 梅菜.But it hard to find that in Japanses materials.I like this method of cooking fish and sauce.I'll try to make fish dishes this way! Thank you rick!! I'm always looking forward to your new post,especially your fish dishes!! Have a wonderful day😊
I love fish too,especially the ones with less bones,I will try and do more here,but right now it's 禁漁period in HK,so I don't expect to have many good fishes,may be have to wait till August...
Thank you again,have a great evening!
...You know I have gotten used to life in my new area,also be really enjoying that,right?But then I have got something on my mind everyday since then.Please don't worry!I belive everything is going to be all right.So could you wait for me a little longer?
To tell you the truth,I am worried I probably made you feel uncomfortable.I might have the my reply hasn't sent to you yet.I can't send some message or replying sooner just like in Japanses them.
I am grateful for your generosity and having such a wonderful friend!
Thank you again,rick.
sweet dreams...💫
So glad you accept my offer,not inconvenient at all,and 梅菜 is dried preserved vegetable,so store it in dry place or refrigerator,it could keep for long time.I don't think there is a season for it,we could buy it and eat it all year round.So please contact me with 'line',if you don't mine,I need your address,my user name is 'rikkchan'.
No worries,not uncomfortable at all,thank you for trusting me,I really hope you could adopt new life,I could tell you already had a great start,so please keep working at it!
Let's talk again soon!
謝謝,你真熱情! 可是說句實在的,我家裡有梅菜,不用讓你寄來的。之前我做梅菜餃子(當然是素的),然後一直想著在素食裡怎麼用梅菜才好呢。