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  • 250もぐもぐ!
  • 27リスナップ
  • 2014/07/24
  • 1,442


みんなの投稿 (13)
A light beef stew with summer favorite,冬瓜.
Also at the back is 蕗昆布,gift from Ms Yukari,thank you dear,this is the Japanese taste I like,thank you,I'll work on the other gifts later!
rick chan から 麻紀子
Makiko San,as you probably know,I had a great time in Japan,I met Yukarin,Romi and Mariko San and they took care of me very well.I never get tired of Japan and I will be back soon,let's meet up it next time!
Hi,rick😊 thank you for this posts🙏💕In fact....it was gift from ひろや to you,meaning apologetic gift.(they kept us waiting outside for minute)Sorry dear,I should have to say that properly..but I am glad you liked japanese traditional taste.it's go well with rice,isn't it?
Anyway,Just 冬瓜 season right no
now! I remember you made 冬瓜soup last in summer,it's my fave already!
So this is more Japanese taste,right?i saw similar dishes in Romie's posts before,I was interested in it then.yours also beautiful! Just looking,i feeling like a waft of coolness🌀✨Thank you for summer season sense😊
rick chan から ゆかり
No wonder,I have no idea where that came from,I received many things,and I have no recollection of it coming from Romie or Mariko San,so I thought it was you.Anyway I love it,it went well with rice.
And it was so strange,this had been on my mind since I see many 冬瓜 in the market,I didn't know why...
I saw that post,but I must have been busy preparing for the trip and I didn't comment or think about it too much.But somehow the image of that dish stay in my head,and I have been wanting to eat this subconsciously!Thanks for solving the mystery,and I have to thank her too,she needs to know she has
he power to do such thing!
It was delicious,to keep it light,I braise the beef with little light soy sauce,and braise the 冬瓜 with dashi separately,but served them together,I don't know that's right or not,but I was happy with it.
You are welcome,always love seasonal good!I remember 冬瓜soup From last
year,and good interpretation of yours too!In fact I am craving for it now!
ゆかり から rick chan
I think your way to cook were just right😊
it's all right,I've appointment to meet to Romie on next week.I will tell her your thanks!
wow :)
rick chan から miyako
Thank you,I love Japanese!
もぐもぐ! (250)
リスナップ (27)