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  • 2017/03/11
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Rice noodle with fishcake,Vietnamese style

みんなの投稿 (21)
We also have fishcake to go with noodle,but this Vietnamese one has dill and chilli in it,no easy to find here,I had to make it from scratch.
At the back Vietnamese prawn cracker from Rosanna,thanks so much,best I even had!!
Hi, Rick! 我幾乎沒吃過越南菜,原來他們飯菜使用這麼多種herbs! 我以為dill只有在歐美菜使用的… 放dill 和chilli的fishcake覺得很新鮮!
rick chan から まちまちこ
Hi Machiko!很可惜越南菜在日本不多,否則你可以更加了解它!香草是很重要的元素,各式各樣都有,什麼食物也會加一大把的!我也以為歐洲才會使用dill 的,原來泰菜和越菜也會發現它的。廣東的魚餅吃慣了很普通,但這些加了dill 和辣椒的越式魚餅對我來說很特別,可惜不易買到...
まちまちこ から rick chan
對,日本的越南餐廳很少見…😓 香港的越南餐廳多不多?
rick chan から まちまちこ
Hi Rick!
Homemade fishcake? I'm impressed 😊must be time consuming to make!
it looks so yummy you must be happy with the effort you put in to make this...it looks like がんも, they must be similar?...(I always put some on our おでん)
rick chan から 🌺Sanntina🌺
Hi Sanntina!
Rarely people would make fish cake at home,it's just too much work,and it's inexpensive to buy.But I like the idea of having dill in it,so I had to try making it.I didn't have the right kinds of fish,and equipments,they turned out not quite I expected,any how I had a good experience,next time I know what I should do!
I agree,these are like かんも,only they have tofu in it,and fish cake is all fish!I love かんも too,especially freshly fried,usually finished before I could save some for any nimono!
Hi rick!
I'm going to visit Hong Kong this weekend(o^冖^o). I've got much more free time than last time. Do you have some idea to do in there?
まちまちこ から rick chan
哇😰 我的留言又消失了💧
rick chan から cocoa
Hi Cocoa San!
Welcome to HK again!
Is this time for business?
Please give me some guidelines,I am not really sure what type of things you are interested in,shopping...?sightseeing....?
And what have you done last time?I can't quite remember....
For me it's alway not easy to recommend,HK has nothing much to see...that's why I always go to Japan...
But I'll do my best,please give me your preference.
cocoa から rick chan
Hi rick. It's not for business. This weekend is a kind of bank holiday. I wanna go somewhere fun & exciting place for a short holiday. For me, it's HK. Well, I wanna do sightseeing? I realize I've never done before. On the first time I just enjoyed eating 😝. Last time we mainly visited Makau. So do you have any recommendations?

Thanks for high reputations to Japan. I'm glad to hear and please visit again😊. It's still cold, cherry blossoms aren't ready. Eyes ache by hay fever. We have to wait another 2 weeks 🌸. But it means my new busy business year will begin😭 Noooo. OK. Anywhere is nice if we could forget about work, isn't it?
rick chan から cocoa
Hi Cocoa San,I got it!
Let me write you something later on tonight ...
When exactly you will be in HK,may I ask?
rick chan から cocoa
Hi Cocoa San!
I guess you arrived!
I am sure all the interesting spots are listed in guild books,you sure be able to see them.I will briefly go through some of them.
The Peak,you shouldn't miss it,it's quite a sight,best to go at dusk,just when the sky is still not completely dark and the lights are on.The peak tram is worth a ride too,but there is alway long queue,so save more time for it.
Harbour front at Tsim Sha Tsui,it's beautiful view,day time or night time,if you are there at 8:00pm(I think),you will catch a light show from various buildings from both side of the harbour.Also take a ferry ride (Star Ferry)from TST to Central(or vice versa).
Not much of old architecture here anymore,the shrines are small and not much character.But I would recommend '志蓮靜院',It's relatively new,imitating old architecture,but it's interesting,tidy and clean,not crowded too.The garden next to it is interesting too.
文武廟in central should be interesting for you too,the kind of little shrines that local goes,you could see them doing offerings...
The antique market next to it is very touristy,you could take a look,but don't expect you could find anything nice there...
If you are into night markets,there are two worth going,'ladies market at Mongkok,and 'Temple Street market',again the sell pointless things,but go and feel the vibe...(beware pick pockets there please).
If you have half a day spare,you could consider going to Lantau Island to see big Buddha,take the cable car to get there,should be fun...and if you have more time,from there you could go to 大澳,a fisherman village,you could have a glimpse of old time HK.
In HK island side,you could take a tram,it only has one line,both directions,it moves slowly and you could take a good look of everything,get on and off anywhere you like,the fare is so cheap.
Are you interested in theme parks,there are Disneyland and Ocean Park,both have their fans,but I never been to Disneyland,and my last Ocean Park visit was decades ago...
I am not sure what else you are into,these are my best guess,do let me know if there is anything you particularly like.
I never get tired of Japan,I would love to see Sakura too,but timing is tricky...
You are right,anywhere is nice if you could forget about work,please enjoy you trip and go back fully recharged for the new business year!
What a long message 💕. Thanks rick! I've just been to cat market but that was touristy and not lively. I like antique markets. Is there any other place? I wanted to buy or see some Chinese antique-ish porcelain. Do you know somewhere nice & inexpensive? ...just curious, if I happened to see my favorite, I'd take.
I must see a stunning night view of HK. Hope weather is getting better. I will go to night market, too.
I dunno about 志蓮静院 and 大澳. It sounds interesting. Old fisherman's village...it must be very different from Japan or Britain. I try to manage to visit!
Disneyland😆. I've been to Tokyo's one lots of times. So I don't have to visit(。-∀-) But since Tokyo Disneyland became really pricy, I haven't been there for ages. It's shame.

My favourite things in HK is 2 storey bus and trams. That is the thing I want in Tokyo😆.
rick chan から cocoa
Hi Cocoa San!thanks for writing back!
Cat market is nothing special.There are proper antiques shops around the area,but I doubt it you will find anything nice,occasionally you will find beautiful ones,of course at very high price,and those are for collecting,really shouldn't be eating with them.Not many people would appreciate beautiful ceramic here,there just isn't a market for it.
That's why I come to Japan to shop for them,the artists in your country are making beautiful Chinese style ceramic,much better than we (or China)have,sorry..
大澳is probably nothing you encountered before,it's very old HK style,it's worth a visit!
And those 2-stories buses and trams,aren't they charming?Not many of these around,not in Japan and even anywhere else,I'm glad we have them,they make an interesting scene,and important transportation to me too!
rick chan から まちまちこ
Hi Machiko!
又麻煩你多寫一些,我也差些忘掉了,因為 Cocoa San 的比較急切些,所以先回覆她的...
まちまちこ から rick chan
這是開玩笑,你不用在意,我的提問不急,你向cocoa san的介紹我也可以參考的👍
原來上海菜也常用香椿的。我在東京吃的香椿是切成末的,不知道他們用的是新鮮的還是乾的… 服務員很忙碌的樣子,我也不敢仔細地提問…
cocoa から rick chan
Hi I've just come back to Tokyo. It's freezing again. Spring hasn't come here yet.
Thanks for everything. I enjoyed staying HK very much. Wish I had had a good weather. I will go to seaside next time. I met Hong Kongese' girls to eat out. They are friends of friends. Their talks were interesting and fun. They also told us how much they loved Japan...from scenery to a cold remedy, from cherry blossoms to the taste of strawberries 🍓 ( *´艸`)クスクス. They've never thought strawberries were delicious before visiting Japan. Do you agree?
rick chan から cocoa
Cocoa San!You are welcome!
You met new friends,and they all like Japan,not surprised at all!
Strawberries,you are right,once you tried the Japanese ones,there's no going back,others are just bland.
I don't know if the Japanese don't really realise they have the best products in the world,or they are just too humble for admitting it,but we HK people know,and I have travelled to enough place to confirm that!
Sometimes my Japanese friend would come here and shop for things that are much better made in Japan,that really got me scratching my head....
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リスナップ (42)